Sunday, November 21, 2004
Posted by
Mdm Noris
2:36 PM
8th Syawal...
Today its been a wk of Raya...
Nxt week I'll start my Puasa 6 back again,insya ALLAH.
Today may not be going out, instead will wait for guest to come. Heard a few people has mention about coming over on Sunday to our Place. So tungggguuuu aje lah...
Kata nya Abg & Family pun ada kata nak datang. Anyway there are so many good show on TV when its on Sunday. I would rather stay home & watch TV.. heeheheh...
A few days back R@udZ receive a few Friendster messages regards to our'appearance' on TV as audience. Receive 1 invitation frm an old hi&bye friends. Actually we've never talk to each other lah. @riff & Friends, Izz@T & NiZ@M are his pal. We met during R@dio Ri@ days, they always impost as KRU...heeheheh ala ala lah kira..
The best part was they dont even noe our names all this while.. tu yang baru tahu tu, macam baru berkenalan kot...
Tomorrow will be on Mid shift... Not Too Bad...
Posted by
Mdm Noris
1:49 PM
Thursday, November 18, 2004
KL Pal Raya in Spore
Today I took leave coz I receive msg a few days back that ReZ@ & FeiZ@L is in Spore. So we were thinking of jalan Raya on Thurday. Luck thing was there was leave slot & I still hve my Leave balance, so it was not much of a prob & the leave was granted.
U noe when was the last time I met ReZ@ & FeiZ@L?? It was 2 years back on NuRuL's wedding in M@nSoR place @ Kampung Nakhoda in Selangor... Mak ai, sebenarnya hampir lupa how they look like & on top of all i was trying to figure out how am i to create conversation with them coz most of the time we most SMS or email to each other more than talking or meeting... Macam mana lah ya.. heeheheh...
They came to fetch me @ almost 1115am, macam nak 'rak' I was trying to recall the route to NuRuL Mom's place in Hougang Ave 8. Dah bagus lah si celik direct si buta. But Alhamdulliah, selamat jugak kita sampai.. heehehe.. it was almost an hour after we reach Hougang.. Rabak tu, tu pun I try to direct them ikut route bus if i can stil rememeber going Hougang few years back. With the changes around, especially wz the new road & Highway @ Potong Pasir & the road after the previous Bidadari Cemetery tu aku ada sikit lost... So dah sampai rumah NuRuL borak2 dah hampir pukul 1.00pm, tu pun MuSt@qiM tak bagun tidoq lagi tu. Then baru lah kita pegi rumah ku.. Lepas tu we went to Toa Payoh Central coz ReZ@'s buying a new Noki@6260 Phone. Katanya its much of a better rate here coz it cost about RM2000.00 for that phone in Malaysia. We went to the one of the dealer where I previously bought my N6600 so we got it for S$640.00 which is abt RM1427.00. FuYooo.. banyak beza tu.... save banyak.
Then lepas tu balik rumah, then they send me back it was almost 1730pm pun.
Alhamdulliah my 1 day Leave was worth it coz dah lama gak kita tak meet up. Last2 jumpa kat Spore jugak.. I asked FeiZ@L if he calls to His house, he did rupanya. But He is not in Spore will only be back Nxt Week aje. Bagus lah, baik aku gi This week before he comes back. Mana lah tahu tup tup balik next week lah buat kenduri Nikah kot... hhhmmmm.... Adik M@syiT@ msg me this morning informing me that she is back in Spore. So I presume he is not here coz she sms me using the Uncle's Spore number.. I tot he was here already for Raya...
Anyway, even though its was just 2 houses that we visited but it still worth it. Beside meeting NuRuL & berHari Raya, tak sangka kan dapat BerRaya dgn ReZ@ & FeiZ@L lah...
Posted by
Mdm Noris
10:10 PM
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Satu Hari Di Hari Raya....
Saturday 13/11/2004 @ 2315pm -- watch the Salam Lebaran show.. I was on TV lah.. heeeheheh.. We went to watch the @nZ Raya performance live the week before Puasa.. Well the Live performance is still as power on TV then watch him Live in front of me.. FuYooo.. Best!!!
Start ironing after Maghrib @ abt 1940H & Now i just finish ironing @ 2300H.. Sakit belakang aku. Tapi takpe, @nZ punya pasal.. hilang back ache aku... heeeeheheh...
Sunday 14/11/2004 @ 0545am -- woke up early in the morning to Solat Subuh & get prepared for Solat Aidilfitri @ Masjid Hj Md Saleh. All dress up in Brown from top to toe.. Dah plan lah sebenarnya.
"Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar"... Allah Maha Besar.. syahdu dengar Takbir bergema.. Tak sangka sekeras keras hati batu aku yg susah menitis air mata, mengalir jugak air mata ni.
Sejenak aku terfikir, apa yg telah aku buat sepanjang Ramadhan. Insya ALLAH mudah2an ALLAH makbul kan doa2 ku & mudah2an aku terlah bertemu dgn LailatulQadar.. Insya ALLAH..
@ 10:32am -- Mitch & Felix came wz the Car that we rented frm them for 2 days. Alhamdulliah at least boleh jugak berjalan coz maybe next year dah tak boleh nak berjalan raya coz if rumah baru dah nak kena standby at home aje sambut tamu...
@ 1300pm -- dah bersiap nak ke rumah Tok & Nenek di Blk 6. Sebelum tu, we took family photo as usual wz our new Kebaya Mak & Ayah bought in Padang Indonesia. I like it.. furthermore wz the weight lost of abt 3-4kg, the kebaya actually looks good lah.. heeheheheh.. Lepas bersalaman dgn Mak & Ayah tu.. start lah aku terkenang orang2 yg tak patut aku kenang kan tu.. & terkenang apa lah nasib aku ni kadang2.. ni yg aku benci ni.. tapi fikir2 balik, i should be happy wz what I have & enjoy things while it last...
@ 1328pm -- Jumpa Andak & Family, Chik & family kat lift Blk 6. N@bil@h so cute wz her baju kurung.. heeheheh.. lepas tu Angah & family dah sampai pun... So later on aft all salam2an.. so we all bergerak.. The start of our Raya...
I shall not eleborate coz its really tiring, R@udZ not feeling good in the stomach I guess perut terkejut after 30days of fasting... We manage to go around 7 houses for the whole day till 2200H for today.. At least cover jugak rumah2 yg patut & meet with all the makcik & pakcik which we always meet only setahun sekali bila Raya..
Tapi Hari Glamor kita lah awak, pegi semua rumah semua cakap nampak kita on TV.
Tomorrow is another Raya Jalan Day...
Monday 15/11/2004 @ 1130am -- Angah dah sampai kat Rumah pun.. so we all pun bersiap nak gi rumah Mak Cik, Kak Liza mom.. so today is gonna be another day to jalan..
Pegi a few rumah, including Abg (T@h@r) place jumpa Mami Asmah, she look sihat Alhamdulliah. Abg J@m@L daughter F@zLin is now staying wz them. Was told that he has to go up & down court to get custody of his children. Only manage to get F@zLin in his custody.. Abg J@M@L gettting married in Feb insya ALLAH.. I got a Long Lecture by Abg T@h@r, he said i must enjoy life being single. Dont pressure myself & get stressed out becoz people kept talking @ all. He also said marriage tak menjamin yg it can last long. even people married for 10 years things can happen.. & all the daaaaaa.. deeeee.. & the dooooo.. k listen aje & accept things lah. Then he mention abt if he is given obtion to stay single & things dont work out he will be receptive to those changes in Life. He mention that his Mom is now his Life & Mom come 1st. IF Mak D@tin cannot accept that then she can forget abt all this.. Tu kata dia, tak tahu lah dia kata dgn Mak D@tin apa lah kan.. heehehehe.. eee, jahat aku.. ada aje nak cakap pasal Mak D@tin. Anyway memang tak boleh angkat dgn Mak D@tin tu lah.. tak tahu lah if dia jadi Isteri Abg nanti...
@ 2030pm -- Reach home much earlier today. Coz expecting guest & on top of that has to return the car. Called Felix he will come to collect the car @ 2200H...
Ramai pulak sepupu Mak came over, tapi best jugak lah ada jugak orang datang nak makan kuih muih yg aku beli kat KL sampai merengkek rengkek tu.. haaahahahh...
Apa2 pun 2 hari dah Glamor orang nampak kat TV tu dah kira bagus lah.. nak complain pulak..
Tomorrow is another day Not Working...
Tuesday 16/11/2004 @ 1000am -- Dah bangun dah tadi pagi @ 0445am.. bersahur.. Hari ni Puasa..
Mak masak Asam Pedas coz Mak's siblings coming over, they rqst for Asam Pedas Mak. They say Mak punya Asam Pedas lain Power Mengancam. Lagi2 my Uncles, coz their wife probably cook Asam Pedas lain style lah...
@ 2130pm -- ReZ@ sms me, he's in Spore wz his Bro FeiZ@L & family Raya here wz her sis.. He was asking if NuRuL & W@N in spore. I said NuRuL is here but W@N me not sure lah... Kata Mak Pasir Ris he shld be coming back this Raya.. not to sure lah.. Anyway didnt go to Kak RoZiE's place this year, another reason is becoz Uncle R@HiM & Bibik K@rSeH raya in Johor so hasnt visited them. So i didnt rqst to visit also, coz my gut feeling says He's in Spore.. so I better not visit... It will make my heart Sore again... haiyah...
Tomorrow Back to WORK... Keje petang pulak tu. But Thursday I got to Take AL.. doing some visiting to NuRuL Mom's Place in Hougang, will be going wz ReZ@ & FeiZ@L Thursday Morning...
Posted by
Mdm Noris
10:45 PM
Friday, November 12, 2004
1 More Day of Puasa...
Tonite was the last nite of Terawih.. Terasa kesedihan nya sejenak. Sebak dada di Ra'kaat Terakhir Terawih...
Just left 1 more day to Puasa. Selamat Tinggal Ramadhan, Insya ALLAH berjumpa lagi di Ramadhan tahun hadapan... So the day after tmrw will be Aidil Fitri.. How time flies.
Today was the start of my Leave, will stay out of work for 5 days & will be back nxt Wed 17 Nov. I was out to send NuRuL's kueh to her mom in Hougang, went there @ abt 11am. Its been sometime since I last went Hougang. Since NuRuL move to KL I've not be going there often. Actually almost forgotten the way.. heehehe.. however manage to refresh my memories. So after that I went ParkMall to had my manicure & pedicure.. Wah so vain rite? Its been so long since I was went to one actually. At least I had a good scrub of my feet. Wah... so shiok u noe.
Starting tmrw will not be able to blog often.. & tmrw will line up on task to do at home. My job assisgnment is to... Iron all the Raya baju for everyone. Imagine, there are 5 of us in the family. Everyone has almost 3 pairs each.. Gosh, I wonder how long will I take to finish all the ironing.
In the moring M@K has plan to go Geylang to buy the lampu kelap kelip.. dah 'blow' not working anymore. Kesian.. tak berseri rumah ku.. heeheheheh... Then later will go to Joo Chait or something see how lah. Make sure to be back home before 12noon. Later I will want to put mask on my face, pamper myself a bit lah. Or else the makeup will not stay on Raya Morning lah.. haahahahah...
Anyway actually looking forward to wear my new orange kebaya on Raya Morning.. Do i sound like a 10 year old kid so excited abt Raya or What???
"Selamat... Aidilftiri...
Kepada saudara serta saudari...
Setahun Hanya sekali...
Meraya kan Raya yg mulia ini..
Di masa.. Bulan Ramadhan..
Kita berpuasa hingga sebulan...
Pabila.. Syawal menjelma..
Hari Raya di sambut dgn Meriah..."
Posted by
Mdm Noris
11:19 PM
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Mlm 7 leko lah...
Tmrw is Deepavali holiday... I'll be working morning shift. at least not too bad.
will start leave from Fri 12th onwards till 17th will be back to work...
K.. thats it, as i expected He's attached. There's this guy i always met @ Kallang MRT every morning. I think i noe his but I'm not to sure if he's my primary school mate. Bukan pick up line lah.. Still not to sure if he's really the one. But if he is my pri sch mate i was talking abt, from what i noe he's married... eh entah lah.
Anyway, I met his ystdy morning. He park his car near to my blok but he took the MRT to work.. he must be working @ town or around that area lah. So i saw him from a far, but biasa lah pretending not to see. Best part was he pass by me from behind, guess what he did?? He pretending to clear his throat with the Ehemmmm.. Ehemm... gosh.. he dont have a pick up line lah, he has the 1960's P Ramlee style lah.. haahahah.. gelak giler...
So just now I saw him a few blok away from mine, i saw someone in his car. Must be some chic lah, girlfriend ke... Whatever it is lah, musti dah attached punya lah.
Selamat lah Mr Ehem Ehemmm.. Sakit tekak agaknya, puasa lah kata..
ok 3 days to Raya...
Posted by
Mdm Noris
10:14 PM
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
Puasa in KL..
Sat 06/11/2004 @ 9am
Left for KL on Aeroline, journey.. Smooth. sitting partner Ms ZoN@, nice lady..
Slept the Journey thru... shiok!
3pm - It was jam @ Sungei Besi Toll, biasa lah tu. Its a Saturday what do you expect.
3.45pm - Met NuRuL @ Corus Hotel - Jln Ampang pick up point.. oh ya, the Coach Driver is Cute.. young guy.. Z@iD
I told NuRuL abt it.. & she start teasing me in front of the guy.. heeheheheh... feeling young again..
We went to Berjaya Time Square, had an appointment wz Ivan or Berjaya. The want to nego on the deal for our PlaySchool there. previously they only can offer us RM12,000 rental. Now they are willing to go on RM3-RM4 per square ft, abt 1300sq ft space. We shall discuss wz Abg R@Z@K & TK on this issue. Yet to give them the updates. Manage to get the handbag that i really want, its RM219.00 however its on 70% off. so its only RM65.00.. Best Nya.
Had dinner/Buka @ NuRuL place, Mansor, Nurul & Myself went out to buy back. However it was raining cat & dog & all lah. its so heavy & its almost flooding. But still the makan was good, I got Ondeh2 also.. mengidam.. anyway its only RM1 for 10 smal pieces.. muai apa...
Sun 07/11/2004 @ 10am
NuRuL & me went to Masjid India. Jalan2 tengok bazaar dia.. oi buat mata rambang seh. so went to Semua House to look for Baju Melayu Ayah. manage to get the color & the size wanted. Cantik pulak tu, price is so reasonable RM 170.00, compared to the one Ayah bought here its abt S$120.00 or something.. kan beza tu.. ish ish ish... Lepas tu kita gi KLCC beli Kuih Muih, hai borong nampak.. satu bag penuh kuih muih.. Cekik darah betul. Mesti aku merengkik bawak balik ni... That nite i reaslise that my bag will not be enuf to stuff the kuih2 inside. So NuRuL offer to swap luggage. Gosh its to Heavy.. mampus lah.. heehehehe... We had Tim Sum, Poppiah & Spagetti for dinner.. we bought at KLCC supermarket & NuRuL made her best Spagetti in town. Dah lama tak makan Spagetti dia.. heeheheh.. sedap pulak tu... shiok
Mon 08/11/2004 @ 7.30am
Mansor fetch us, send NuRuL to work & me to the bus Station @ Corus Hotel - Jln Ampang. I reach there early. Now I made friend with an elderly couple. They are going back to Australia, but stopping over at Spore for 1 nite. They're really nice.. So this time my Sitting partner I think she is 'butch'.. heehehehe.. my anthena says so lah... Bus depart @ 10am, anyway this time I really slept the whole journey thru, they stop @ Pagoh. I got up & go for a short walk. Tot of buying some magz but nothing intresting there. So i decided to continue by sleep again..
1450pm -- arrive Tuas check point. ok this is the part the hussle of carrying my luggage down. Tak kan tak master bawak bag sorong/tarik tu, kan dulu jadi Stewardess boleh pulak, tak pandai2 lah... haahaha.. banyak kebabai Stewardess.. my sis will say that to us when they start teasing abt having the sorong/tarik luggage.. at least everthing went smoothly.. phew...
Reach home at about 1630pm, gosh my body is aching. Got to eat the musle relaxer aft buka nanti. then at least can sleep longer or something.. Whatever it is, its still something different compared to my other Puasa. I travel & buka in KL.. Not bad at All...
Posted by
Mdm Noris
6:25 PM
Thursday, November 04, 2004
Yee Yee Raya Nak Dekat...
Its less than 2 weeks to Raya.. Oiii cepat nya... I tot i was just a few days ago when I start blogging when Ramadhan comes...
I got news frm NuRuL last nite dat @NZ show tkt are all sold out.. I'm so Sad.. So very Sad : ( Actually I'm all out to Q to buy the tkt on the day itself, but NuRuL sense we might not have a chnce to even go in. So as R@Udz.. But I hve a strong sense we can go in if we Q by 8.30pm. I dont noe we shall se.. But Still I WANT TO GOooo!!!... Its so Sad if really cannot go. How???
I'm back to Ok Ok situation wz @iNi now.. she's ok I'm ok too. But i just cant stand her being close to M@Di so irritating.. Sour Grape or what?? No lah.. Its just that @iNi always give a good treatment to him as if he is so PoweR. Anyway i saw the cookies that @iNi made on M@Di's table. Wah he also get ah? I tot it was only for those who are fasting? M@Di pun Dapat gak.. Mudah2an dia Puasa lah eh.. Aku doakan dia lah, Mudah2an setan keluar lah kat badan dia tu, biar jadi manusia sikit, Insya ALLAH... heehehehe... hai...
Posted by
Mdm Noris
8:56 PM
Monday, November 01, 2004
I hate this Feeling...
Dat feeling is coming to me again. It must b d bulan Puasa & d feeling of Raya where the atmosphere is you noe... dat is making me feeling depress. Its been 2 Raya years dat I'm left Single. Gosh, I just hate feeling this way...
People who r away from d country & family will feel tis way during Raya. But I felt tis way even though I hve my family wz me all d time.. I'm just feeling a bit lost thinking of how those who I use to love most left me having to leading a happy life wz their love ones but not Me! RiZ@L is having Raya wz his Wife & this year his daughter.. He@ is now having someone new & special wz him, of all you noe planning or having plan on some wedding preparation.. God Knows...
Look @ what becomes of me.. Feeling lost, lonely, empty..
I just hate feeling this way when Raya comes...
Posted by
Mdm Noris
11:21 PM