Thursday, January 27, 2005
Posted by
Mdm Noris
8:59 PM
Now then I noe...
Its been almost a week since I Blog...
Now then i noe how it feels like having to do house chores thru out the day.
Its not that I've never do any of them before, its just that when I'm working I'll only do it when its my off day or weekends. But I always take for granted knowing Mak will do things for us.. heeheheh.. jahat kan, sekarang baru tahu padan dgn muka.
On Raya Morning last Friday 21 January 2004...
The night before I did Satay Goreng & Sambal Kacang. Anyway its play cheat lah, coz its the pack thing, just heat it up & its ready to "Ngap" aje lah. But we got our Aunties all over to contribute to our dinner@buka puasa hari tu. Jadi lah berlambak lambak rezeki kat rumah, all has to stored in the fridge. Had a hard time finishing the food so we had it roll over to the nxt few days...
Coming back to the story.. oh ya, pagi Raya we went solat @ Masjid Md Salleh @ 7am. Alhamdulliah everthing went well expect for 'Abg Abg Kam' kita tak mai dari Australia lagi, so tergendala lah korban for 3 days. Apa boleh buat kan, dugaan ALLAH tu. Terima aje lah...
Tok called aft solat Raya asking me to check out on Nenek & make her morning coffee. Apa lagi bingkas lah lintang pukang pegi rumah Tok right after solat Raya tu. Sebelum tu sempat balik kejap just to panas kan food.. Actually feeling hungry but just had to check nenek out 1st.
Guess???.. aku jatuh kat tangga Blk 6, hai apa lagi benjol lah kepala.. kepala lutut lah. Blue black??? Hai buruk betul lah... mcm mana boleh jatuh ni??? otak fikir benda lain, apa tak jatuh. Apa lah tersungkur nasib tak sembam muka, dah senget nanti saham turun lah, sapa nak susah pulak kau... aiyoh....
We receive sms & kol from Ayah & Mak very often, Alhamdulliah everything went well for them. A few days aft Raya, Ayah sms telling us that its raining very heavily in Mina. Surprising or not it was flooded, I couldnt imagine how it was like until we watch the news a day after. It was really bad & the flood was till the waist, Subhanallah...
Believe it or not... we still hve those dishes given to us by our Aunties & neighbour. Alhamdulliah, we dont hve to cook much. Makan aje apa yg ada asal kenyang, shukur.
I still cannot get over fully abt the Wedding Bells of some jerk thingy.. I met another cousin of him 2 days ago. hai apa lah nasib aku ashik jumpa sepupu sepapat dia.. So I bluntly spit it out saying, " I dengar cousin you dah nikah?"
she said, "yaa, ya, ya....."
"I think his wife is also working in Dubai lah...."
I said, "oh ya ke, is she local?"
"No lah she is Filipino..."
Bingggggoooooooo... I hit the jackpot lah...
Kepala otak dia lah, now I noe who she is. She is the one that his office mate-GiN@ intro him to. I can clearly recall he did told me tht GiN@ gave this Pinoy handphone number to him. I said to him, ok lah tu.. boleh kenal2.. coz I was thinking of anything...
So ALL MY assumtion are 100% accurate... boleh tahan jugak aku ni pandai jadi penyelidik yg tak bertauliah.. haahahaha....
Well Kahwin lah, Nikah lah selagi boleh. Ni dah kali ke 3 ni, entah kali ke 4 tu nxt change kah, coming sooonnnnn kah.. mana lah tahu kan.. Rezeki ALLAH. Jgn tolak kau...
TruLy NoreeZ
Posted by
Mdm Noris
8:34 PM
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
Its been 4 Days...
Its been 4 days since Mak & Ayah left Spore.
Ayah SMS frequently informing us on his location, ALHAMDULLIAH he's doing well.
Mak called 2 nite ago on RaudZ mobile, seem she's doing fine. According to RaudZ Mak said she has not been meeting Ayah for 4 days.. heeheheh.. Rindu lah tu. Coz they are in different hotel room & all Man & Woman are on seperated rooms...
It seem that they are now in Arafah. Its gonna be a busy few days for them... Mudah2an Selamat semua baik & sihat, Insya ALLAH. RaudZ msg just now saying Ayah called earlier evening, they are in Arafah & will be busy soon.
So far I'm coping wz things, waking up early to get breakfast & tea ready. Cooking, laundry.. Mcm mak mak seh. FidZ will vacuum the house, RaudZ is good at spring cleaning... so we have task to fulfill. I did a lot of spring cleaning of my almari... wz the help of RaudZ. If not becoz of her patience I'll never start cleaning & clearing of my things... I'm glad that my cupboard is sparkling & tidy.. heehehehe...
So Raya nanti, we going Masjid for Solat Raya. Later will be going to Tok & Mama's house.. I will be meeting Nurul on Sat for the Discussion wz Abg RaZaK & TK.. She's back in Spore shld be by tmrw Evening...
Till Then.....
Posted by
Mdm Noris
10:01 PM
Saturday, January 15, 2005
Dugaan Ku...
Sesungguhnya, ini lah dugaan ALLAH terhadap umat nya yg sabar. Kerana Dia hanya akan menduga kamu setahap mana yg termampu oleh mu, insya ALLAH...
Mak & Ayah left this morning to the airport @ 7am... send to the airport & they went into departure gate @ around 7.40am. So thats it, I was telling myself to be strong whatever it may take me to fight my feelings... Alhamdulliah aku TABAH menghapainya cuma bila time departure gate to ok lah nangis jugak... So I was telling myself this is the start of my responsibility @ home & towards my sister...
So we left for breakfast @ d T1 canteen, infact I was the 1 who suggested to eat there. While Q for food order, I bumb into someone whom I didnt actually spoken to before. Actually has no relation to me or whatsoever... But noe him due to circumstance... He actually asked me a Question which shock me.
Encik : "soANDso" kahwin hari tu tak pegi?
Me : Tak lah.....!!!! (????!!!!!??? WHATTTT?????)
Encik : ya lah eh tak kan nak pegi pulak kan???
Me : Tak jugak lah tapi kalau di jemput apa salah nya....
Ya ALLAH, betul ke aku dengar nya, rasa nya macam nak suruh rewind what he has just mention... Astarafirullahhalazim....
So Encik paid for my food that I order & thank him... Left to the table wz Mak & Pak Long, FidZ & RaudZ. Broke the news to them. I still couldnt believe my ears, hearing it frm a stanger. HE has spoilt it all again. Its all becoz of him, how could he do that. Telling me that the Wedding is called of becoz of him & all those stuff. & Now I'm listening to the hottest news ever from someone whom I've never had any decent conversation with.. & Ya He's having fun getting married for the 3rd Time... What more can I say, I knew its coming but hearing it from someone else mouth its unbelieveable.. amazing isn't?? wonderful!!! Ya right. Ayah called so I decided to break the news to him coz I do not want to bottle things up for 1 month!!! I dont think I can do that, but I told him not to tell mak yet, I hope he still keep it to himself then.
OK I did my spring cleaning of my Alamari... Its about time lah, thrown almost 50% of the stuffs. at least its looks like there is so much space, nasib lah RaudZ penyabar tolong pack the stuff nicely & neatly from 12noon till almost 9pm we finish up. But I still hve 1 more deck to pack. Will do it tomorrow noon then, Insya ALLAH...
Will start work on Monday on Noon shift, tapi takpe keje till Wed shift petang. Thursday dah petang Raya, tu keje pagi. Then Raya is on Friday, will be on Long Weekend till Monday nxt week. Alhamdulliah...
Doakan Mak & Ayah sihat & selamat sentiasa insya ALLAH...
TruLy NoreeZ
Posted by
Mdm Noris
11:23 PM
Friday, January 14, 2005
Delay Departure...
Mak & Ayah's departure to Mecca is delay for abt 20 more hours from now...
Supoose to depart on 14Jan 05 @ 2000H, however we got a call at abt 1000H today telling us its delay till 15Jan 05 @ 1000H, to gather @ EunoS MRT Station tmrw @ 0700am instead. Well at least we have another day to spend wz the rest of the family.
Actually I wasnt feeling like eating thinking that they will be leaving in less than 1/2 a day, but when the agency called telling of the delay my tummy just suddenly felt hungry... heeheheheheh....
Well Lucky me, I didnt give up my Saturday AL, or else I will end up taking MC or urgent leave or something.
OK another day to go...
TruLy NoreeZ
Posted by
Mdm Noris
3:07 PM
Wednesday, January 12, 2005
Three MC's For January 2005
I was down wz Flu 3 days ago. Was at work on Monday but wasnt feeling good. So decided to go down to Dr Chong to obtain an MC, actually I was reluctant to go down coz his medication is not making me any good... with his weird question if i mention I'm having a headache, he will ask which part of the head, if its trooping or just one side.. nonsense question.. i hate to see him but his clinic is the nearest at work. Just like I expected, he only give me cough mixture & some lozenges to suck.. boring. So I just want ahead to Watson to buy some panadols & some cough drops...
So I thought I could get some rest, unfortunately I cant coz there were visitors at home...
The nxt day on 11Jan @ 7.30am, I was getting ready to go to work. I thought I was strong enuf, however I was shaking, shivering cold. I confirm that I was having flu. Only today that I felt much much better aft consistence medication intake...
Its less than a week before my parents leaving for Haj. Alhamdulliah I got ill before they left... But still its ok. Insya ALLAH everything will be fine...
TruLy NoreeZ
Posted by
Mdm Noris
6:35 PM
Sunday, January 09, 2005
1 Week More...
Mak & Ayah leaving for Haj in abt 1 weeks time.
We've been having visitors for the past few days coming to visit Mak & Ayah...
So I shld be resuming the job hand over by Mak soon. Hai macam mana lah ya nak handle makan & house for 1mths. Mudah2an can handle lah eh. My only concern is R@udZ coz she will be at home & sure if tak ada makan siap lah dia tak makan tu...
Nothing much to story coz tak ada apa2 yg happening lah.
Today they all gathering at rumah tok for kenduri anak beranak, but I'm here working afternoon shift.. nasib lah kan. Luckly dinner was good coz Aini beli kan nasi ayam.. hai sedap tu.
We've yet to heard frm TK & Abg RaZaK abt the plan. Macam mana if they decided not to take the place? Then i will hve to wait again to see where else to venture into. Furthermore I've heard rumors that we'll be 24hrs soon @ Work & now call ops is very strict.. infact extremely. I think I cannot make it lah...
I sold my SH share, make Big Bucks.. power seh.. shiok.
K.. we shall see, if I can leave aft the Big Bonus end of Mar.
TruLy NoreeZ
Posted by
Mdm Noris
9:03 PM
Saturday, January 01, 2005
Selamat Tahun Baru 2005.
Apa azam tahun baru anda kali ni???
Actually I didnt posted any new resolution this year. I think its best that way so that I will just go wz the flow when the days, weeks, months & years goes by. I guess circumstance just drives me not to plant in any resolution this time.
I Believe the best resolution is to be a Better Person.
With things going on in the World, its just giving you sign that you need to do something to be someone better than before physically, mentally & everthing.
I was working today, at least I was in the morning shift. I'll be working noon shift ON A SUNDAY.. oh no. Now I'm contemplating to go to work OR I shall we 'sick' tmrw. I'm still considering. To imagine what a beautiful SUNDAY it will be to just be at home, watching TV, eating home cooked food & be near to your love one... woooo best nya.
If you're at work, coming to work at noon, wz the sun just above you head so hot. Then you get some nasty cust on the phone start shouting at you to ON d Services without making payment, later at dinner you have to eat either Mc Donalds or Burger King or KFC again or Delifrance.. aiyoh.. Then you come back to work again answer those calls & go home at 2300H when people are about to go to sleep..... aiyoh how????? Want to go or NOT??? I'll think abt it again.
Have a Peaceful Year Ahead...
TruLy NoreeZ
Posted by
Mdm Noris
9:28 PM