Monday, March 28, 2005
Posted by
Mdm Noris
5:41 PM
Isham Wedding 26 Mar 2005
Last Sat was Isham's wedding at Pasir Ris. It was wonderful, most importantly to mit up wz all the relatives & friends. Will elaborate more soon.
I'm on MC again today, my throat is killing me. No point going to work & start asking for paper work. Its not going to be easy, I rather rest at home.
We're getting our bonus end of this month, & i just got an email earlier that the long service award presentation will be on 5 Apr. Most like I can attend coz I'm on noon shift, most important of all is the voucher.. heheheheh... will be spending on it soon.. heehehehe... best..
TruLy NoreeZ
Posted by
Mdm Noris
5:34 PM
Monday, March 21, 2005
Read this.. Aku fedup..Sakit hati siot...
My email to Nurul after I got to noe abt the office news when I was away in KL.....
i just got to noe from ernie semasa ke tiadaan aku ada 3 orang naik pangkat... Siak betul.
kau tahu siapa?? micheal Lim Hikaru, then Jimmy budak baru tapi bukan budak lah dah tua kira senior citizen 40tahun kuat angkat punya & Michelle Yap pun budak baru masuk as temp way way back aft aku & pun pandai angkat.. siot lah. aku binggit siot.. aku tak tahu cerita pun.
actuallly aku dapat email saying ni 3 orang belaja kueh muih for everybody.. aku pun wondering lah what is the occasion then until just now aku tell ernie ada orang tukar nama.. i was refering to the KAUR tu.. rupanya ernie blur ni, heheheheh.. dia ingat i was talking abt orang naik pangkat tukar title nama...
aku binggit seh, besau punya binggit..
biar lah, aku dari hari tu balik kerja, aku tak bual dgn jip san, biar aku nak dia ingat kan aku tak bual dgn dia coz of this...
marah betul seh aku.
padan lah hati tu aini kata kau tak ada mcm2 terjadi.. nanti aku cerita.. cuma tak sempat aku aku pun tak tanya lah..
Posted by
Mdm Noris
1:22 PM
Sunday, March 20, 2005
Seperti Jatuh Di Timpa Tangga lah beb....
I left for KL on 15/03 Tuesday morning on an 8am coach. Eventhough my eyes is still not looking pretty good but I just hve to go ahead as plan coz of the meeting... I left home, travel light, but I hve a comforter to bring it there. Ya, I bought a gift for Reza wedding day coz i tot i shld buy something frm Spore instead. Anyway I got a good bargain for a beautiful comforter set in dark purple color...
Taking a morning Coach is really relaxing coz there is not much traffic furthermore its a working day... so it quite ok at Tuas checkpoint, quiet smooth. But I saw an ugly singaporean trying to fuss over the long wait & Q.. anyway no issue, but he mention abt writting in to Immigration about the long wait. Dont want to wait dont go holiday lah, talk so much... Something happened to me when we reach the JB Checkpoint.... I fell down aft the last step alighting from the coach!!!! mak kau, nasib pakai pants, if not.. heeheheh.. I sprain my ankle. Lucky thing there was this young couple wz a baby just help me... not really help, just ask me if I'm ok.. Not to bad at all. But I manage to get up, betul kan tudung dulu, then start walking back to cop my passport.. malu giler, but dont care lah. Sakit kaki kanan tu tak terhingga.. then jgn lupa comforter tu nak di angkat jugak...
Dah lah terincut incut.. sekali si immigration officer chendol ni charge me for the comforter. Asked me how much is the comforter cost me, he said its almost RM$200 so he has to chrg me RM$50.. I told him its not something that i'm selling to someone, its a wedding gift. He said still hve to charge, he down the price to RM$30.00 chendol kan. I just gave him the $$ coz i hate to talk so much & I dont want to miss the coach.. so I paid him relectantly RM$30.00 nasib dia lah.. tapi marah ni...
I reach KL smooth sailing, but my ankle is killing me. Once I arrive KL, I took a cab to KLCC, limping to the Pharmacy & buy an ankle guard & the menthol cream to rub it on. I hve to wait for Nurul, I was telling myself I dont think I can walk any further. So I just sit down at the benches & watch the F1 Roadshow.
Surprisingly, I saw so may farmiliar faces will I was sitting down for 2 HOURS... I saw Id@ Nerin@ wz Alex YouNg (d M'sian F1) & Wife.. jambu bini dia siot... Then I saw Cheryl S@m@d.. Then NuRuL comeby.. selamat aku... Boleh jalan ke ni. Tawakal aje lah, Insya ALLAH. So we walk2 but I just dont have the mood to shop coz kaki dah sakit apa.. Jalan punya Jalan ternampak M@ri@ F@rid@h pulak.. nasib aku lah jumpa all this people. @nu@r Z@iN takde ke, @r@sh MoHd ke.. sapa2 yg gerek. best jugak kan. Later on we just balik by cab, later in the evening NuRuL & myself went to buy dinner.. Tu baru makan best tu Fuyooo.. ikan masam manis, rojak & all. Sedap tu.
We were suppose to visit BTS for a meeting however we hve decided not to coz we are still concern on the traffic there. W hve decided not to go on wz the plan for Playschool in BTS & we will be looking into opening a Tajaka/Tadika somewhere else probably in any housing estate where we can hub into young parents. NuRuL suggested her apartment has an empty lot on the 1st floor, its not being use at all. Anyway she has spoken to someone from the office & they agree on at least RM$500 rental. So we are looking into it. NuRuL check the papers found something interesting on a setting up a childcare. we she called this guy Joe, sound ok. He mention on a location in Kelana Jaya, she said it too far. But after so much info, he decided to mit us up. He's staying near by Gombak so he come over. Selamat lah, dgn kaki aku in baik jugak dia mai sini...
SO Joe came, we talked. We got a lot of knowledge & info. So he suggested on the below location, he mention abt conducting a survey to see how many household require this service/facilities in Peringin Apartment. He also suggested we take the Dewan (half of the space) on mid day, we nid to talk to the office. So the space for yg empty tu utk Tadika, & the Dewan space for Tajaka... We asked if he can assist on Loan or Permit for me, he said not a problem to look into doing it for us... Hope to get in touch wz him again, Insya ALLAH. Later on we go to One Utama to shop, this time I mit some other people... We mit Fahrin Ahmad & also Adam AF2.. fuyoo.. ingat nak kejor dia, nak kata lah i orng Spore.. heeheheh.. tak sempat2 jugak seh.. haaahahah...
The next day dah nak balik.. Pagi2 dah keluar dgn NuRuL coz my coach back is at 10am. So M@nsor drove us, NuRuL to work & later me to Corus Hotel where the coach is.. At least dah balik pun, gi KL dah mcm gi Geylang. Tak rasa gi holiday pun, dah macam sama aje feeling dia tak ada beza back home....
TruLy NoreeZ
Posted by
Mdm Noris
6:20 PM
Saturday, March 19, 2005
"Letting go..."
To 'let go' does not mean to stop caring, it means I can't do it for someone else.
To 'let go' is not to cut myself off, it is the realization I can't control another.
To 'let go' is not to enable but to allow learning from natural consequences.
To 'let go' is to admit powerlessness, which means the outcome is not in my hands.
To 'let go' is not to try to change or blame another, it is to make the most of myself.
To 'let go' is not to care for, but to care about.
To 'let go' is not to fix, but to be supportive.
To 'let go' is not to judge, but to allow another to be a human being.
To 'let go' is not to be in the middle arranging all the outcomes, but to allow others to affect their own destinies.
To 'let go' is not to be protective, it is to permit another to face reality.
To 'let go' is not to deny but to accept.
To 'let go' is not to nag, scold, or argue, but instead to search out my own shortcomings and to correct them.
To 'let go' is not to adjust everything to my desires but to take each day as it comes, and to cherish myself in it.
To 'let go' is not to criticize and regulate anybody but to try to become what I dream I can be.
To 'let go' is not to regret the past, but to grow and to live for the future.
To 'let go' is to fear less and to love more.
Author Unknown
But Greatly Appreciated!
Posted by
Mdm Noris
6:39 PM
Monday, March 14, 2005
Sakit Lagi...
I'm on MC since Sunday, got sore eyes lah..
Just on Sat evening at work I felt my eyes watery, I told Daisy, she said maybe you gonna get fever... She said my body & forehead felt hot.. Alamak sakit lagi ni..
So the night itself when I get back, Raudz was having fever. Didnt noe that she got sore eyes coz I didnt see her the night before.. & that how it got infected..
So On Sunday morning I went to Doct Ko Clinic @ Blk 18 since its my company doctor. Got 2 days MC & was given a few medication espcially for my Tonsil yg tak baik2 tu... Mak & Ayah tak ada rumah gi KL for 2 days. So got to bring Raudz to the Clinic also. Doct say he's giving me a stronger medication & it will be slightly costly but what to do, I still hve to recover after all right...
So I called office telling them I'm not fit to come to work coz of my swallon eyes. The TL who answer the call asked me, "can mms me or not???" He made me send him MMS of my swallon & sore eyes! can u imagine?? I'm not sure if he is just kidding or what, but its just not making sense right. SO I said, "ok can i send MMS to you!!!" So I send to my Immediate TL also, he just said take care.. I told him that i was given a stronger medication & its will cost a bit. He sms back suggesting not to take a stronger medication coz it will be side effect in a long run. I just refuse to sms him back.. Apa dia merepek, I've been having this tonsil for sometime & I just can stand it any more so I've got to have it definately...
Dont care lah, dah sakit apa nak buat kan. Ingat suka ke nak sakit sakit ni..... apa aje..
TruLy NoreeZ
Posted by
Mdm Noris
4:55 PM
Friday, March 11, 2005
my 'sound of music'...
I went to Suntec City on a Monday morning just to catch a IT Fair there. However I was toooooo... early coz I tot its already open. The Fair was only open @ 12noon, so I end of shopping for a few pieces of Giodarno long sleeve tee & this & that.. belum gaji dah shopping2.. ish ish ish..
So @ 1205noon I step up to the 4th floor of Suntec City thinking, K I am bloody early man.. sure tak ramai kan!! sangkaan ku meleset.. mak ai, ramai nya orang. I guess must be those people on Lunch break @ Suntec Offices... So I decided to just to straight to 'Ampang Point', I found the Creative Booth & start choosing the MP3 Player tht I wanted. Surpisingly the one that I've been aiming for MuVo Player from $276 on sale @ $199!!!. So I GRAB it...
So happy lah I..
TruLy NoreeZ
Posted by
Mdm Noris
4:29 PM
Wednesday, March 09, 2005
Rahsia Bulan dan Kelahiran
Berikut disenaraikan kajian mengenai bulan dan sikap anda, yang telah dijalankan oleh Yang Berbahagia Dato' Dr. Fadzilah Kamsah.
* Suka berlawak.
* Mudah tertawan padanya.
* Sopan santun dan mengambil berat terhadap orang lain.
* Berani dan tidak tahu takut.
* Orangnya agak tegas & bersikap kepimpinan.
* Pandai memujuk orang lain.
* Terlalu pemurah & bersikap ego.
* Nilai harga diri yang sangat tinggi.
* Dahagakan pujian.
* Semangat juang yang luar biasa.
* Cepat marah & mudah mengamuk.
* Mudah marah apabila cakapnya dilawan.
* Sangat cemburu.
* Daya pemerhatian yang tajam & teliti.
* Cepat berfikir.
* Fikiran yang berdikari
* Suka memimpin & dipimpin.
* Sifat suka berangan.
* Berbakat dalam seni lukis, hiburan & silat.
* Sangat sensitif tapi tidak mudah merajuk.
* Cepat sembuh apabila ditimpa penyakit.
* Belajar untuk bertenang.
* Sikap kelam kabut.
* Romantik, pengasih dan penyayang.
* Suka mencari kawan
Posted by
Mdm Noris
11:22 PM
Sunday, March 06, 2005
Saturday, March 05, 2005
Wedding Bells Part 2... Its still not Mine.. Yet...
Its been sometime since I blog...
so pre occuppied wz things, I was down wz Flu, MC for a few days & till now still not fully recovered. Ayah was in hospital for 3 days.. Ayah is still on MC for 2wks, i think he has abt 1 wk to go.
I've been a bit 'down' over things surrounding me... Being a big head ego, i just cant express it openly to prevent from any 'kecik hati'.. so i shall swallow them slowly...
I attended Abg Jamal's wedding last weekend, wz the whole family. Ayah rent a Car so that all of us can go. At least only left Mak, Ayah & myself coz Fidz was down wz Fever & Raudz only accompany us half way...
Seeing Abang & Linda, wearing the same color dress code - brown imply to me they seems to be very ngam & i think Abang look happy wz things, i think.... Good for him lah. Its abt bloody time lah. After going thru this & that I think its just abt time they get married kot... Linda is kind of accepting our presence. Of course lah dia dah menang apa, dah dapat Abang.. haaahahah... takde lah, dah jodoh dia kot... insya ALLAH.
So later we proceed to other wedding, lastly we went to Yati my 2nd cousin, anak Encik Ra'ai. Only manage to meet the Aunties & Uncles only... Yati is of my age, we so call grew up togather on the same generation... Well infact my cousin of my 'batch' are all married wz kids. Come to think of it, I've been blogging over the same subject of tunang, weddings, married, kids & all along the line lah.. getting boring lah this subject...
At work Zana just got herself engage to this guy 4years her junior & she got to know this guy via Friendster for abt 6mths or so.. And at the end of the year will be the Big Day. There goes the stories abt expensive bridal expenses or over the budget & so on & so forth... Me being the egoistic bitch, didnt even wish to ask her things in details. or she will go on wz all the stories abt her mom & sister & all. Marriage is all abt 'kesederhana' if you want to spead more than you choose to do that isnt it??? jangan kerja mati2an utk spend 1 whole day & your few Thousang $$ gone in a split seconds...
Ya ALLAH palingkan lah aku pada pembaziran jika sekira nya Jodoh ku sampai & bakal mengadakan masjlis Perkahwinan ku kelak. Amin...
Then adik ku pulak sedang sibuk menyusun nak buat majlis dia Jan 06 nanti.. hai pressure aku... dia tu lagi sorang, nak budget, tapi nak gi studio photo shoot pulak. apa cerita pulak. suka hati lah, duit dia nak buat apa suka hati dia lah...
Macam mana aku tak pressure all around me are discussing over the Sensitive Question thingy.... pening aku.
The other day, I was just viewing the nieces Friendster.. I saw some Happy Big Family Photo going on Holiday wz the Bride & the Groom... keluarga bahagia nampak. Cinta orang baru kahwin lagi manis ni... Lagi shiok apa.. I asked Feisal this question on how he manage to over come since his Youngest brother got married. Actually indirectly told him the pressure is on me soon.. Well he said "its all in the mind", i guess for him its even more tense since Reza is the youngest sibling, langkah kakak & abang dia 2 bendul sekali... Power lah adik sorang tu.
Congrats to Reza then.. I called him the other day. Was just asking KING OR QUEEN. Guess what he is honeymooning in Bali. Alamak kacau daun lah aku... heehehe.. Hope to see him Soon, or otherwise will meet Feisal to pass the BIG gift i bought at John Little the other day, that create dispute at home on where to place it & how do it carry it to KL.. heeheheh... I shall figure it out later or rather on that day itself.. anyway I'm going to travel light. No chances is no problem lah...
I was on my way to work today.. at Dhoby Ghaubt MRT on my way out I saw a familiar Face... Hansem, so our eyes met... heeheheh.. but I was trying to figure out who he is, either my old classmate, school mate or.. no.. its M@yuni Om@r.. Gosh his good looks, but he has put on some pounds lah, dah tak cute sangat.. His big eyes is prominent to detect him...
Please visit our website at
Posted by
Mdm Noris
1:52 PM