Shukur Alhamdulliah..
Everything on Santai Bersama Hans Isaac on 25th November went well, I’m so glad, happy, touched.. However, I’m not in the mood to talk to anyone yes YET! ALLAH saja yang tahu gelora nya..
I will like to Thank A FEW people,
The Artists & Managers,
- Hans & Lynette Isaac for your understanding, faith in which no other had & lots more! Thanks, thanks, thanks.
- Sleeq, Roze, you guys are the coolest bunch
- Sue & Nadra, of Beats Society thanks, thanks, thanks… suka korang starstruck eh heehehe..
- Imran Ajmain, wish you were there Imran, but your guys rock!
My Crew Gang.. Thanks for Raudz Surprise Birthday
- Netty, thanks for all the help that we need.
- dik Zana & Fairul for being part of the crew, for being there at the time I’m in need & nice video shots.
- cuzin Hestee for the décor even though we don’t have enough stuff for complete décor & also for the listening ear.
- Nanie, Halimah, thanks for helping
- Ayah for the photo taking,
- Izan for being the photographer
- Haslindah for the helping hand eventhough we didn’t get the rooms, Latiff for the coverage & the concern.
- Hafeez for the interviews
- Mama Fai, Perfect Frosting - for the Hans cupcakes, he loves it!
- Nizar & Ardy, Skinny Munster for the shirt sponsorship
- Melor & Aliza, thanks for the kind sponsors
- Izar & Abg Irwan, thanks the soundsystem & thanks for faham our situation
THE GUESTS… (99% are ladies!)
- you guys sure enjoy Hans company so much… Thanks for the feedback & support to WorkheART.
Thanks for those who read my entry, email & sms that I send million of times for the tickets sale, but nobody replied.. Thanks eh! Semoga ALLAH membalas budi anda, Amin.
Thanks to those who posted an entry on the event, I REALLY appreciate you guys playing that part.
Thanks who book or say you're coming but cancel, thanks tau.
Thanks to those who show interest but keep it... Jangan bottle up lama2.
Thanks to people who proclaim Hans fans but not there.
Thanks to those who confident that Hans's going Esplanade.. Sorry, He's to busy entertaining his 67 guest at Orchid Country Club.
the list can go on...
Despite all the stress, depression & hardship that we went thru we manage to get things going. I have learn a lot of things, learn people, learn about situations, there are still room for improvements insya ALLAH.
TruLy NoreeZ
Monday, November 27, 2006
Thanks a Bunch, Hans!
Posted by
Mdm Noris
2:50 PM
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Sorry, hven't been blogging about life. Been busy with Hans event this Saturday..
We have TWO (2) more tickets left for Santai Bersama Hans Isaac this Sat 25th Nov 06 at Orchid Country Club...
Out for grabs at SPECIAL PRICE!
Call me at my number or 81693022 or email me.. whatever.
TruLy NoreeZ
Posted by
Mdm Noris
3:46 PM
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Santai Bersama Hans Isaac - Student Promo
Here's something from WorkHeart!
Good news for students, read on! Spread the word to your families and friends and students you know okay?
If you are a student from the arts, entertainment, theatre, drama society,culture and anything related to those, read on! We are pleased to send you this note to furnish you details to invite youand your friends especially in the abovementioned because we know you lovearts. So do we!
For our upcoming event, we are inviting Malaysian actor,Hans Isaac – the recent Best Supporting Male Actor for Malaysian’s FilmFestival-19 for his first ever Meet the Fans session!Being in the entertainment scene for more than 10 years, Hans will also besharing his views and pointers in the Malay drama and film makingentertainment scene based on his vast experience being involved in filmsfrom Singapore and Malaysia. This is your opportunity to get up close andget great advices from an experienced star!
Roze & Sleeq local singing talents from Beats Society will also be part ofthe event!
Organised by Workheart with great support by Tall Order Production and Beats Society, this event will take place as follows :
Event : Santai Bersama Hans Isaac
Date : 25th Nov 2006
Time : 2pm
Venue : Orchid Country Club
We are seeing this as a perfect ground for entertainment lovers – both music and drama to come and join in the fun. Come rest and relax!
Here’s the good news:
Especially for students, Workheart is opening the Students Promo for only $60 (UP : $68. Public Promo : $65). Hurry as this promotion is valid for limited time only!
Please bring a copy of this email to us on the following dates to qualify for our $60 PROMO! Do show also your student’s concession card or any proof to show that you are student during purchase.If you would like us to set aside tickets for you, reply this email withyour name, contact details and quantity of tickets.
Tickets are STILL available, call 81693022 or visit for further details.
Terms & Conditions:
• This promotion is open to WorkHeart’s Friends – School Promotion, forstudents and their families.
•A copy of email is to be provided as proof of purchase
•Price is inclusive of buffet hi tea, interactive session, photograph &autograph session with Hans Isaac.
•This offer is not valid with $35 deposit as stated in WorkHeart’s website
TruLy NoreeZ
Posted by
Mdm Noris
4:58 PM
Pening... Buntu... Binggung... Confused... Lost... No other Ideas...
Got to go on, Got to stay strong, Got to have faith, Continue BerDOA...
Wish us Luck, Pray for us...
TruLy NoreeZ
Posted by
Mdm Noris
12:04 AM
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
I'm here to clarify the confusion.. Please do not further confuse yourself.
Hans Isaac MAY NOT be going to PGL...
Please take note.
Call me for ticket booking, or call 81693022. I will be happy to attend to your calls.
Thank You For Your Understanding..
TruLy NoreeZ
Posted by
Mdm Noris
7:36 PM
Friday, November 10, 2006
Meet Hans Isaac In Singapore
Hans Isaac's Coming...
Tickets are still available.
Do call us for Booking.
Its 14days away...
TruLy NoreeZ
Posted by
Mdm Noris
2:14 PM
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
I fall sick.. in the head
I didnt blog for almost a week...
I was down with flu last weekend. It was terrible, fever for 3 days then comes the cough & cold.. Ahh.. its horrible. On Thursday, we had to go out to jalan raya. I was hoping that its cancel, unfortunately it was not. That night, pop in 2 tablets & went to bed. I knew something is not right, for sure the fever will melarat. I couldn’t get up from bed since Friday morning, got up for medication & later when to bed again… I choose not to see or meet people when I fall sick furthermore I was too weak.
On Sunday, it was slightly better. Eventhough I still feel dizzy but I thought I should stay out of bed since I slept for 2 days. Then I receive an sms from someone who I hardly hear or meet. Married with kids, sms to ask me if they can come to raya at my place. I explain that I was down with flu, furthermore my parents are not at home. Well, we were close friends during secondary school days, but as time goes by, married with family we don’t actually meet each other anymore. Probably the last time we meet was like 3years back itu but masa raya jugak when they came over to my place… Anyway this people are those you meet once in a blue moon or once a year kind of friend. Insist on coming still even after I mention about me being alone & tak daya nak layan tamu. Macam mana nak cakap secara beralas yang I am sorry that I cant entertain guests.. betul betul tak larat.. “we are around the area aje, tak boleh ke kita datang?”
I had to say, “very sorry, lain hari boleh tak. I just woke up from sleep after my medication.”
I was really disappointed with this friend of mine.. Tak sangka sampai macam tu tak faham kita tak daya nak terima tetamu…
Today I felt much better, eventhough my cough is making me breathless… Nenek has not recover from Asthma this few days too. Most of the time after 1 pump of the inhaler, she gets better. But not this few days. Anyway, Insyairah is admitted in the hospital again. Its her 4th day today if I am not mistaken. Nya’ had to come back to work today, after her office suggested (suggestion not required, thank you!) that her mother should come to KL to take care of her baby so that she can come back to work because she have taken to much of urgent leave. Every mother want to be near her kids if they are admitted of course. Just because those people in the office are single so they don’t understand. Well I am single (& available!) too tapi tak lah sampai tak ada hati perut macam tu…
Ok I have a story to tell… I have this childhood friend who stay in the same (old) block as Tok. I use to stay with Tok until I was 12yrs old, We move to our own place which is the next block aje. So anyway, Tok live on the 8th floor, this childhood friend of mine on the 9th floor. I know his family of course, his mom & dad (now arwah), his brother & sisters all.. So I use to play or rather run around depan rumah dia & a few door away from his is another friend Isa… Reason why I use to sibuk at level 9 was because my friend, Lela from the 15th floor matair dgn Isa dulu.. So I will follow Lela when they date.. haahahah.. Well I was referring to this childhood friend, ok we call him Zack lah, his brother, Halim also about the same ‘generation’ as me. I also remember another Halim on the 10th floor, then Din on the 12th floor also Yus from the 14th floor. Anyway banyak lelaki dari perempuan lah kat block tu.. Ok back to the story lah… When we grow up, I still see Zack. If we see each other, we just steal glances aje. Sebab dah besar2 ni segan sikit lah smile or talk to each other. When I use to work with SH, when I’m on morning shift will always see him downstairs. Either he comes back from jogging ke or back from Flight. Oh yes, he’s a pilot from the local airlines here. So we will always look at each other sahaja without a word. I was too shy to say hi or something, but deep down inside me, I want to acknowledge him… So when we move here at the new place, I don’t meet him in the morning as usual anymore. But just last Saturday, I was crossing the road his just passes by me on his bike. I know he say me, in my heart say “eh, dia tinggal kat block baru mana eh?” Then just yesterday I got to know he’s in block 3D with his brother & sisters…
So just after Maghrib today, another neighbour came over Tok’s place. Tok was giving Fidz invitation to Cik Seri. She mention, “Deris nak kahwin kan adik dia jugak ni, minggu sebelum jemputan ni”
“Oh adik dia yg last sekali tu eh, yg pilot tu ke?” I said.. kepo aku.
“ah ya lah yg tinggal sorang aje tu… Si Zack tu punya majlis lah”
That’s It.. I knew it. He’s getting married the week before Fidz at the same venue as Fidz’s… AAHHHHHHHHH…………. Menyesal ke tak, tidak bertegur sapa dgn dia selama more than 5 years.. MENYESAL TAKKKKKK??????????
Ok yg sudah tu sudah lah..
Yesterday evening, my SH friends came over to my place for raya cum so very belated housewarming.. Ernie came with Teeba, Mandy & Ralleeah… I really miss them, miss their company Not THE COMPANY.. heeheheh.. The came at 8pm, too engrossed with so many story mories & ‘hot news’ they only left at almost 10pm. And Teeba left for KL right after leaving my place. I was surprise to find out something after its been 6 months since I left SH. And that explain my disappointment 6 months ago…
When everyone knows about me leaving the company, I got to know they started collecting funds from Billing Teams mates. It’s a ritual when its someone’s birthday or someone’s leaving or even for new born babies from the team. So when it was my last day, a few of them told me that the person collecting to buy the gift is down with chicken pox so they couldn’t give me the gift earlier. There are about 50 people in the team. So some of them gave me individual gift because they don’t want to wait for this Ms K lah.. So to cut the crap shot, Ms K came back aft 1 wk I left, they had dinner with me at Sakura. I had it on my previous May 2006 posting. So she said My TEAM (7 people only) have this gift for me.. Don’t ask me what it is lah.. Last night I got to know that they collection was definitely cost more than the gift she gave me. In another words… they suspected she pocketed the fund collection (maybe I estimated about $300plus, the gift could cost like $70). They realise that she volunteer to collect for 3 other person birthday & And.. listen to this, They 3 people didn’t even get they birthday gift in May 2006 tu… So she masuk pocket jugak! Rabak, bagus dia buat bisnes macam tu eh… Good Luck to her. And she file for hospitalization leave for the 4th time this year for Chicken Pox AGAIN! Mana ada orang kena chicken pox sampai 4 kali satu tahun? So The office better do something about it..
Ok, Listen…
We still have ticket for Santai Bersama Hans Isaac on Saturday 25th November 2006, 2pm at Orchid Country Club. FYI, Hans MAY NOT be going to PGL as per the trailer on TV. When he was being interviewed, what he was trying to say was if its gonna be in Spore, he will want to come & watch again.. something like that... Jangan mistaken for this statement that he will naik flight & tengok it in Spore.
SO.. Datang Santai bersama Hans & jumpa Hans personally. Its his 1st time meeting Spore fans, do support him cause He is Hot! You boleh chit chat dgn dia, boleh ambil gambar & mintak autograph Hans in person… If you’re in M’sia doesn’t mean you cant come. We have ticket purchase from a Lady in Perak & another one from Indonesia who’s coming to Spore for Santai Hans… Do call us for booking at no : 81693022
Ok, Take Care ALL…
TruLy NoreeZ
Posted by
Mdm Noris
11:51 PM