Wishing everyone a Happy New Year 2009.
Its been a wonderful one for me!
"A soul mate is someone to whom we feel profoundly connected, as though the communication and communing that take place between us were not the product of intentional efforts, but rather a divine grace. This kind of relationship is so important to the soul that many have said there is nothing more precious in life."
Wishing everyone a Happy New Year 2009.
Its been a wonderful one for me!
Posted by
Mdm Noris
7:00 PM
Spoiler on Malam Raya!
1. I think I'm gonna get sore throat & cold..
2. arrr.. malas nak cakap, Binggit!
TruLy NoreeZ
Posted by
Mdm Noris
12:03 AM
Its been a busy week. The next day after coming back from KL on 11th Dec, with the unsettle work & jobs it takes weeks to finish. Furthermore the KL trip was impromptu for me. Its was just an excuse to go on a budget trip (with Ms Manager & Boss).
Mango cake with Customized Flag by Raudz
Posted by
Mdm Noris
11:18 AM
Tooo much things to blog about.. Tooo little time. Will blog soon once things are settle...
Posted by
Mdm Noris
7:24 PM
Anak Idah left, Anak Rossle Right
I had to leave early, courtesy of Rossle & family drove me to Arts House for Propagenda Poetry show. I arrive at 8.01pm when Raudz reach there much earlier. There was a very bad jam at AMK & City Hall area, if I were to take a cab I’m very sure that the fare will reach $20+ or so.. Thanks to Rossle eh..
Posted by
Mdm Noris
7:34 PM
We had this random chat at 4pm today. The whole conversation area base on a true story. However please excuse our language.. It was just out of anger.
Noreez : aku story kat kau pasal kak wati
Noreez : the point is.. Dia Kirim Salam kau.. lah tu yg aku lupa
Nyah: oh u manage to talk to her?
Noreez : she ask about u via my friend zaleha
Noreez : then she put in my multiply to kirim salam u bila aku Jumpa
Nyah: he he he
Noreez: i told her i tak jumpa nurul selalu
Nyah: au now wonder if steph dah kawin
Noreez : tapi kita call/sms/chat selalu
Noreez : steph
Noreez : i dont think so
Nyah: really
Noreez : noriko ke sapa kena transfer kat cargo
Nyah: mana kau tau beb
Nyah: serious
Noreez : lina kena transfer tapi at last dia tak jadi kena transfer
Noreez : si susan tua nak mam tu dah retire
Nyah: ah mesti punya
Noreez : aku ingat lagi dia check aku datang dgn dia ke tak dlm bus
Nyah: ha ha ha
Noreez : ingat tak?
Nyah: kau bengang betul ngan susan eh
Noreez : siak tu memang besar punya siak, aku fedup
Nyah: ha ha ha
Noreez : walaupun aku tipu lah kan
Nyah: hahahahahaha
Noreez : kau yg punch kan aku
Nyah: aku ketawa lepak bila kau cakap
Noreez : tapi siak lah kau check aku naik bus ke tak.. siak besar
Nyah: kawan aku heran apsal aku ketawa tetiba
Noreez : siak f, bitch
Noreez : kau jadi jaga, kau check aku naik bus ke tak
Noreez : sakit hati aku sampai sekarang
Nyah: sabar beb sabar
Nyah: cerita dah lama
Noreez : betul hahaahah wwaaakakakaka
Nyah: (laughing rolling icon)
Noreez : tapi kau imagine
Noreez : (laughing Icon)
Nyah: mmg pun
Noreez : dia dok depan macam mana dia boleh nak check aku naik bus ke tak...
Noreez : kepo kan
Nyah: aku paham aku paham
Nyah: bila think abt XXX aku bitter sweet memory lah
Nyah: aku cakap ngan Ramlee i miss the job
Noreez : dulu best
Nyah: dia cakap why not masuk balik cargo
Noreez : tapi boss si swat tu aje yg tak best
Nyah: mmg pun
Nyah: XXX is the best job ever la
Nyah: i enjoyed myself to the max
Nyah: if only swat is not there and only ichi, aku rasa we wud have stayed kan
Noreez : tapi gaji kita tak naik2 lor dulu..
Nyah: but kan lepas kita blah ada naik beb
Nyah: mercantile fought ma
Noreez : lepas kita kat SH tu naik, tapi naik nya berapa..
Nyah: tulah tu
Nyah: alot lah beb
Noreez : kita kat SH pun gaji still more then dia orang naik gaji
Noreez : ye ke?
Nyah: sapa tu nama dia alah kawan kaak aku, bini dia punya nama Wefi aku ingat lah pulak
Noreez : indra
Nyah: dia dpt almost 700 beb
Nyah: ah indra
Nyah: aiyo
Noreez : kau lupa nama dia
Nyah: he he he
Nyah: itu dia cakap la
Nyah: pastu shift allowance pun lain
Noreez : aiyah tak kisah lah
Nyah: depends on departmet la
Noreez : if sakit hati what for
Nyah: yalah tka kisah
Nyah: tapi kalau given the chance i wud want to do it again tau
Nyah: minus the stoopid swat
Noreez : & not forgetting
Noreez : that stupid ops guy yg kita gaduh siak tu lagi satu
Noreez : law & steph
Noreez : & lagi satu tu sapa kurus kering yg besar punya haram tu
Nyah: ray
Nyah: he he he he
Nyah: so much hatred i see there
Nyah: there
Noreez : YES
Noreez : tu lagi besar punya musibat
Noreez : hahaha...
Noreez : tu lagi, cuma dulu kecut nak lawan...
Nyah: huahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahaha
Nyah: kau kelakar lah
Noreez : kelakar ke?
Noreez : aku marah kau kata kelakar
Noreez : haahha...
Nyah: mmg kelakar pun
Nyah: bila aku match kes diorang and apa kau cakap
Nyah: mcm law selalu pakai kata2 kesat nak cakap pasal aku
Nyah: walhal dia pun tembam jugak
Nyah: kalau cekeding goreng tapi kau panggil org tembam ok gak
Nyah: cermin lah diri dulu
Noreez : kau lepak beb...
Noreez : tak kisah lah dia nak kata apa
Noreez : apa2 pun kau tetap world... laku jugak anak 2.
Nyah: ha ha ha ha, ampu ker apa, ha ha ha ha ha
Noreez : si kering tu.. tak laku2.. walaupun dia jalan keng kang macam anak 10
Noreez : tak ampu lah.. tak dapat apa pun
Nyah: kau jahat lah beb
Nyah: adoi macam ciak lah kau
Noreez : aku marah, so aku nak kena learn utk nak rebutt kat orang balik
Nyah: (laughting rolling)
Noreez : betul
Nyah: aku tak tahan bila kau cakap pasal steph
Noreez : (laughing)
Noreez : betul apa?
Noreez : tak betul ke???
Nyah: yalah aku tau
Noreez : kita musti release tension sikit
Noreez : hahaha...
Noreez : biar betul?
Noreez : dia kan action aje lebih
Nyah: aku tak tau kenapa dia musuh ngan aku la
Nyah: tetiba jer
Noreez : jeles lah..
Noreez : dia tak pandai bebual
Nyah: iyer ker
Noreez : orang bebual dgn kau... aje nak gelak
Noreez : padahal kau tak buat kelakar
Nyah: aku rasa dia punya english bagus apa
Nyah: aku rasa dia tak suka junior la
Noreez : english bagus kalau boring nak buat hapa
Noreez : dia kulit lah..
Nyah: aku ada tanya ramlee mcm mana aku boleh rapat
Nyah: dia kata oh Noreez and u are two new breed
Nyah: dulu masa nak call XXX semua takut
Nyah: tapi bila dua budak baru masuk better la
Nyah: mintak space pujuk sket dah dpt
Nyah: ha ha ha ha
Noreez : ah tengok tu, siak
Nyah: kalau dulu Law, steph and all garang
Noreez : tapi ok lah kita boleh bebual
Noreez : even kak wati dulu pun tak berkenan dgn dia eh
Nyah: aku kena ngan mendiang Joe
Noreez : ya Joe banyak tolong kita eh
Noreez : aku nari macam nak maki orang aje
Noreez : aku punya hormon pun lagi hay wire ni..
Noreez : nak mengamuk aje
Nyah: he he he, sabar2
Noreez : kita datang aje baru lah bernafas sikit orang2 nak call book
Nyah: aku rasa bag Lokman is ok
Noreez : apa jadi dgn abg lokman eh
Noreez : kadang aku jalan2 tengok jugak if sapa yg baik dgn kita tak jumpa pulak
Noreez : yg baik aje yg yg hantu setan buaya darat tu aku tak nak jumpa lagi
Nyah: abg syam, Syed
Noreez : yes, ni yg baik2 lah kan
Nyah: yah, kita close to mostly guys la kan
Nyah: sapa tu yang banggali tu sorang
Noreez : huh? h.bans
Nyah: alah yang anak2 buah lorraine tu
Nyah: ah harban ngan melayu tu
Noreez : yati lah, apa lu...
Nyah: kalau kita tak kasi space terus talk to swat
Noreez : fav sis lu yati tak igat hahaha
Nyah: he he he.. yati fave ker? tak lah
Noreez : "fav"
Nyah: dia pun aku selalu argue gak
Noreez : ya lah, kita gaduh dgn dia kan
Nyah: duiorang ingat kapal terbang ni boleh tarik jadi panjang
Noreez : dia tak bebual masa kita resign tu kita tak bilang dia pun
Nyah: yeah, kita ni main blah jer
Noreez : kita tak farwell nice2 kan..
Noreez : time tu swat dah dok kat dlm opis ichi kan
Nyah: yah and aku kena tuduh curi diary dia
Nyah: walhal aku tak tau apa2 pun
Noreez : curi diary tu takpe diary aje
Nyah: aku pakai PC tu lepas si Victor kasi aku assurance
Nyah: ah ah eh, naper eh
Noreez : siak betul
Nyah: walhal dia simpan
Noreez : tu besar lagi satu punya SIAK
Noreez : dia nak cover line
Nyah: pastu cakap jgn put mirror sebab kita akan nampak apa dia buat kat belakang
Nyah: inagt tak?
Noreez : dia cakap sori tak dgn kita lepas tu?
Nyah: ada cakap
Noreez : ya aku ingat
Noreez : hahaha.. padahal mirror tu buat nak melawa tengok muka sendiri
Nyah: bila aku nak resign dia kata lets let go of wat happen
Noreez : really eh?
Nyah: dia nak kasi aku naik pangkat kalau aku stay on, yeah wat
Noreez : aku pegi dia tak request to stay
Noreez : kan aku belah 2week or so earlier than u
Noreez : u have to stay train the new girls
Nyah: dia panggil aku dlm bilik dia and told me to stay on and forget abt wat happen
Nyah: tak ingat aku berapa duit dia hilang
Nyah: panggil polis bagai
Noreez : ratus kan
Nyah: ingat polis takde kerja ke nak handle duit ilang
Noreez : kan kita tiba2 tegang urat dgn sama sendiri & koko
Nyah: yalah
Noreez : dah tu hari gaji.. baru withdraw duit from atm canteen
Nyah: lg satu aku ingat karen bercinta ngan cargo agent duduk bawah meja cakap
Nyah: ha ha ha
Noreez : haaha… tu aku ingat hahahah..
Noreez : cekik darah
Nyah: he he he
Nyah: kelakar giler lah
Noreez : giler amoi tu
Nyah: tulah giler sampai kepala terantuk kat besi pun relax jer
Noreez : apa hal kita talk about this ni eh..
Noreez : want to blog about it ah.. hahaha..
Nyah: he he he he... aku pun tak tau la
Noreez : cut & paste all this put in the blog hehehehhe...
Noreez : if nak cerita balik dah tak best..
TruLy NoreeZ
Posted by
Mdm Noris
6:11 PM
The weekend was awesome & it was all impromptu..
Saturday was Floetry at Escape with 65&Hope. We also have our Pre-sale of DSK Deluxe from online order. However…. Less than 20 people turn up to collect & pay them.. WHAT Happen to the Rest? I had to carry the big box tau!! Berat tu.. ish ish.. heehehe..
Anyway, at the end of the day, have plan with Dier & Zaf to meet up for late dinner with Abg Di, Saf, Andak & Kak Liz.. So lucky that Dier can come & fetch at least I can tumpang the box in my car. We had dinner at Al-Amin Bukit Timah. Arrive accurately for Abg Di & Sat after fetching Andak, Kak Liz & Nana. We don’t really have a Birthday Cake for Raudz B’day celebration, but at least it was all fun.
After dinner, Dier send Zaf back home. We have already plan to sleep over at Abg Di & Saf place at SAV. At usual, its always the chit chat session till almost 2am. I cant sleep not too sure why…
CCK1 Fam plan to come to SAV for breakfast. We had late breakfast, had Nasi Rawon from Geylang & shared our makan together.. That really brings back memories when I was about 10 years old. Andak & me will be at Encik Halipah stall at Blk 11, Q for Nasi Jeganan or Rawon at 10am on Sundays. Then Abg Di and the rest will come over for breakfast at rumah Tok. Will take orders a day before so everyone can makan together at Blk 6. Shiok seh!
Bibik made Laksa, makan lagi for Lunch. Have already promise the kids to go swimming but the weather does not permit. Only after 3pm, the rain stop we all packed as if we going on a picnic by the pool on which is only at level 1. Kids having fun swimming, the adult enjoying the breeze & relaxing by the pool.. Shiok. Feeling holiday resort. Dier already left for some project he had. Feeling hungry again, ordered Arnold’s Chicken & we all had that for dinner… makan again! Right after Ishak, packed our stuff ready to go home..
Feeling Holiday Resort!
I receive a surprise call from my Upper Serangoon Technical School, Sec 1 classmate. Zaleha Mohd… She was the closest friend of mine from the start of Sec School. She was my ex colleague’s, Kak Wati JAL, current colleague in UPS. Kak Wati is also friends with Kamsiah. The world is so small.. And Wati ask Kamsiah for my number if we were in touch. Coincidentally, I told Zaleha we just met up not long ago. Zaleha & me were always see everywhere together, canteen, assembly, sit next to each other during class… inseparable… Then we got separated when she transfer to another school when we were in Sec 3. I remember not talking to her due to some misunderstanding at the end of Sec 2. So when she transferred to PingYi Sec at Sec 3, I didn’t talk to her no more..
About 10 years ago, I met this guy back in Airport day at the Surau… Only to find out he is Zaleha’s husband. She still look the same, its easy to identify her. I still remember her brother’s names, she use to stay in Bedok North I can still recall. We had a long chat and hope to make plan to meet up soon… Those were the days.
Posted by
Mdm Noris
11:41 PM
Cher & me
Cher & Zana
I had a last minute meet up with Cher & Zana. We had dinner at Swensen after in search of what to eat for 1 hour. By the time my order arrive, I eat them without creating conversation with both of them hahha.. Hungry apa!
This two, fight all the time...
We talk about a lot of things. Cher mention of Ms A being ambitious of wanting to be the next Team Leader. I told Cher, Ms A had told straight to my face that she will strive to be the next TL in the kampong Geylang community at BT. She indeed want to be the one is not others. I debated with Cher about No5 being the next Senior Executive. How could she be up there when, Cher a Graduate & came so much senior than her can be the next Snr Exec. What the Hell kan?
Posted by
Mdm Noris
12:45 AM
Dengan Secara Kebetulan - Repackage Album for Imran Ajmain
An Important Announcement!
Posted by
Mdm Noris
10:58 PM
The weekend has been wonderful & was full of surprises… It started from the morning of Saturday, 7 boxes arrived. Followed by the arrival of Mr Boss to collect some of them. Later in the late afternoon, Zee & Wan came along not being able to hold the excitement any longer. Mr Boss join us again, it was like a late Raya visit… I just enjoy entertaining people coming over our place.
So listen here, Dengan Secara Kebetulan Repackage – Tidak Lama Lagi!
Sunday was all plan by Raudz & Aunty El. It was all by coincident, they both has been liasing regards to Mr Boss’s show. Then after Aunty El realise that Raudz seems very familiar. So Cik Leman Itam, that’s how I call him since I was young, because there was another of Mak’s cousin whom we address as Cik Leman too. He has been Bapak’s & Ayah’s kampong bestfriend for years. Lost touch a few times and so, they plan to reunite them all over again. It was a total surprise… Manage to get Bapak to come over just in time before they arrive after maghrib.. So when they finally met, not knowing who’s house is he visiting, its was all worth it. Aunty El said to Raudz, “so our mission accomplished eh?” Yes indeed..
I get phobia if I receive The call or sms. I seriously had to cancel the appointment eventhough I’ve change it to the day time instead of dinner as suggested. I don’t know, maybe I was getting paranoid over the WHOLE things. But how could I not get paranoid if someone whom you think you respect as someone elderly & someone whom taught you to be a better person at least start sending wrong signals. I can accept words like, ‘I miss your’ or ‘my dear’ from close friends that you share your ups & down together, or the most from your love ones. I don’t get it still, what is the main reason for the meet up. If business is what you want to talk about by all means, I’m willing to listen. Then if you’re just trying to go down on memory lane, like as if we have any, then I’m sorry you intention is so not right & not appropriate. I was feeling very heavy in the heart at 2.30pm, I had to call someone to share the concern with. Not knowing Ida was pretty concern & it worry the hell of her that I’ve agreed with the appointment.
I had to do a delivery at City Plaza at 4pm and that was the excuse I’m giving for cancelling the appointment. I receive an sms from Lee, he was around Eunos area. Decide on meeting after telling him that I’m around the same area. I was very surprise with his transition after not knowing him really well for more than 2 decade. He has always been called as a mute creature. However, since we last in touch for more than a week I’m very comfortable interacting with him. I’m glad that he didn’t actually keep to himself on our daily chats & sms. At least he’s not trying to be funny or what… He should know where he stands. We sat down for a drink, he was still concern over what happened to me 5 years back & of course on what’s happening just minutes before we met. It seems he need someone to talk to, so probably I’m just there in the nick of time. He didn’t tell much, I didn’t ask as well. I told him everyone is entitle to keep his/her own privacy. You don’t have to tell or you don’t owe anyone any explanation. I don’t have to know you past & I don’t want to know… I should respect that. But still I just enjoy his company very much…
What is going to happen in the next few days or weeks? I don’t know.. I hope I get to arrange the delivery accordingly Insya ALLAH. And after that settle the payment & closing of accounts. Later on, hope to get another job, if it’s a part time or temp I’m open to those options.. No fuss about it.
Ok I’m still in search of my classmates from Upper Serangoon Technical School, 1987 to 1991.
Rohana bte Mahmud, previously staying at Short Street, has a sister Rohani bte Mahmud. Then she got married to Adi, can remember his full name. They stay at Tampines, that’s the last I’ve heard.
Julyani bte Abdul Wahid, staying at Hougang Ave 8, cant remember he block. Has 2 other sisters, Julyada bte Abdul Wahid & Julyana bte Abdul Wahid. She was working with Singapore Airlines – Airlines House the last time. I attended her wedding years back with Abang. Not to sure where she’s staying now.
Anybody who knows them, both are from USTS same batch as me graduated in 1990/1991. So please get them to email me soonest… We’re really in the mist of reuniting everyone.
TruLy NoreeZ
Posted by
Mdm Noris
10:26 PM
Too occupied with things till I didn’t get to update earlier…
My impromptu meeting with my secondary school friends was the most wonderful thing I’ve ever encounter after 18years of separation. Initially, those who has agreed to meet were only a few of them, Fuad, Norhaidah, Kamsiah, Rosli, Ramzan & myself. We, or rather I have to agree with meeting at Causewaypoint because ALL of them are staying at Woodlands.. Surprisingly, as they said, they have NEVER meet each other there even though most of them are staying around the same areas & avenue… I was very nervous the minute I step out of home to meet them. Kamsiah has agreed to meet at Woodlands MRT station since I’m not familiar with that area… Kamsiah Jaafar, still look the same, she’s a mother of 4.. Arriving at McCafe Civic Centre, meet Fuad & Ramzan.. wow, the men look so much different. More matured looking & bigger.. well feed by wife’s lah I believe..
Those who has not agreed to meet came at the last minute, Masnawi, Anis, Helmi.. All of them has change, married with kids between 3-5 people & mostly not lesser than that.. We send 2.5hrs talking about school, the past. I’m really surprise to see Norhaidah, as I can recall, dia lah yang paling gangster kat class tu.. kaki gaduh & dulu semua dengar kata dia.. macam chief gang lah kira.. Now she has change to a woman, mother of 5, pakai tudung.. really change. Alhamdulliah, yang naughty2 dulu dah jadi manuasia yg berguna Insya ALLAH..
Yati has invited us to her place because her kids friends will be coming for end of Raya celebration. We spend some time she too has change so much. I can say that Yati is one of the close friend, since we took the same bus to & from school so we selalu bersaing.. I get to reunite with Yati about a year ago when she found me via Friendster. Alhamdulliah...
From the last meeting we had, we all have agreed to constantly in contact with each other. At the same time, I've created a Multiply account under http://www.usts90s.multiply.com/. This is a site for them to load pictures of school days & update on activities that we'll have in the future. We all have agreed to meet up again over a Reunion Family Picnic cum BBQ on 30th December 2007 @ Sembawang Park. It’s a Date!! If everything goes well, then its going to be a yearly event for us Insya ALLAH..
My last day with SW was last 14th November 2007. She job’s good, however the environment doesn’t allow me to stay any longer. I had a few calls for interview & submission of my CV. Hope to get a new full time job by December. Currently, I will want to settle a few things before I start on a new job…
There was a situation... I do not wish to assume things, however I hope for the best. I was having a conversation with Nya' via YM. She's the fastest that I can get to vent what's bottling me at that point in time. However the chat looks like, I was talking to myself... Non stop.. Read on:-
Noreez : cikgu call akuSo much things has happen in a week. Went out for late coffee with Sef, Abg, Dier, Zaf.. at Siglap. There is where I know where CK's new place gonna be. Its not too far home, there is a straight bus number 12 heading to Upper East Coast Road area.
TruLy NoreeZ
Posted by
Mdm Noris
5:37 PM
I’m down with flu & cough today. People in the office was down, the ventilation was bad. I’m enduring the atmosphere there till next week 14th Nov.
He : “aku sendiri tak tahu, if I know things can be different between us back then!”
Me : “ya lah tu, we were so close then you mean you cant tell my reaction towards you?”
He : “serious aku tak tahu. Sapa kata si I tu gf aku? Tu orang yg cakap, tapi aku takde apa2 dengan dia lah..”
Me : “halo, the whole world know about it eh. She even came to me tell me that you’re hers.”
He : “kau kat mana sekarang? Nak ajak minum. We talk.”
Nothing much can be done since he’s happily married with kids. Nothing much can be amended as its was 20 years back… No point saying, “what if..” Its Too late.
I dream that I fetching this Guy from the airport, telling him “Rindu nya sangat I kat you!!.” And he smile at me.. I know him, but he’s not my friend actually. The next day at Mr Boss concert, I saw him coming with his wife! I said an awkward Hi to him. We chat a while then I move out. Apa hal aku mimpi dia semalam eh.. It’s a sign.
Yesterday night was Hitam & Putih, Imran Ajmain's concert at Esplanade. You sure have to blog about it lah kan...
I left office at 6pm sharp, went home manage to fresh up in 30mins. Bapak & Bibik had dinner at our place so that we can head to Esplanade together. Just the night before, Bibik called asking me to purchase the ticket at the eleventh hour. Instinct tells me that I should quickly grab them via online & collected them the next day. I read Zee’s multiply the next day to find out the ticket was sold out on Wednesday morning.. My instinct was right, phew!
We arrive at 7.30pm, the Q was already long. Manage to go along the Q saying Hi to some people as usual. At least we got a strategic seating position on the left, with Zee, Wan & Hafiz Kecik. Surprise to see Aunty & Uncle, they really enjoy themselves. Meet Ernie & Sam, so as Haslinda since Latiff doing coverage for Suria. Saw some familiar faces like Yem & Rauza, PM & Ida, but I’m especially glad to see 70% of the audience are new fans. Performances were superb, even though I’ve heard the songs during rehearsal listening it live is so different. Songs like, Patah Hati, Di mana kan ku cari ganti, Menimbang Rasa & of course 1000 Tahun makes me emotional & affected me the most. Especially after That person from my past came back with messages that confuse me just An Hour before the show, how could I not be emotional...
I didn’t get to capture video or pictures because I was too scared it might get caught by theater people… Wasted! After the concert, said bye to some people & later I left early since I’m not feeling good.
Coincidentally, Nya’ facing the same situation as me. I met this Guy from Her past, I can't lie saying that I don’t know Nya’ number so I had to give him. He’s married now anyway. Yet again, I dont see the point talking about things like regret or whatever when changes is definitely not possible. Had a long talk with Nya on my way back home, then she reminded me of the conversation with Rizal years back about me make me even sad. However, I went home only to find out Mak & Ayah went out Makan with Bapak & Bibik. The whole night I was feeling down till after midnight. I sleep over the sorrow hoping to feel better the next morning.
Now, I’m in the correct state of mind to blog about it & I’m feeling much better today. But not my Flu, its getting pretty bad.
Today at 5pm, the gang’s having an impromptu meet up over coffee at Causeway Point. This is going to be an another emotional day, we’re all meeting for the first time after 17years. A lot of things has change over the years, people change too. I’ll try & grab some picture & hope to do a comparison of them & myself as well over those years..
TruLy NoreeZ
Posted by
Mdm Noris
11:03 AM
Last 2 weeks, I receive a surprise call from a fellow secondary schoolmate. I couldn’t recognized him by just listening to his voice. He finally introduce himself, I got a shocked of my Life. Fuad, He got my number after visiting Anis’s place during Raya. We had a long talk and finally decided we should have a small gathering. I was very excited to find out that Fuad is in touch with Ida or Noraida Ismail, another classmate of mine.
Today, during my lunch Fuad called again. He really want us to plan something, like a mini reunion after speaking to Ida on the plan. I decided to give Ida a call instead.. For a while, I was getting pretty emotional the minute she said “How are you…” I almost tear listening to her voice.
I can never forget the fact that Ida, si minah gangster kampong USTS dulu tu.. aku pernah gaduh dengan dia lah babe.. .. Gaduh kat Netball court eh.. hahaha.. because of who/what/why I cant put it on written or some people will KILL Me! I will NEVER forget those days. Back in class the girl are always come in pair:-
Ida with Asmah,
Nilawati with Rohana Rohen,
Rohana Mahmud with Julyani,
Yati with Surinah.
Who was I with eh?? Oh I loner, I was the prefect in school so I wasn’t really paired with any other girls. All of us are in the Netball school team. Ida completed her N Level & that was the last time we met in 1990. Now she’s happy married for almost 15years with 5 Kids and the eldest is already 12years old. I’m really glad that we’re in touch with each other. That drives me even more to do something for a reason to meet.
At the same week as Fuad’s call, I receive a call from Noriani my ITE Bishan classmate. She found back my residential number in her old autograph book we have passing around back in school days where we write those mushy stuff..”I have a pen, my pen is blue. I have a friend, my friend is you…” ya.. whatever lah.
So anyway, I’ve never had out Home number change, it been with us for more than 15years with the same number. So that’s how easy people may track us using the same number. Ani still in touch with the other malay classmate of ours & again, all of them are married with 4 or at least 3 kids.. Subur korang korang semua eh..
Anyway, Call for ALL Upper Serangoon Technical School Mate, especially those from the 1987 – 1991 batch. If you’re still in touch with any one from the school & know who Chuck Noris is please email me. I hope to post my Sec 1 or at least some group pictures of me back in school.. Let me get it scan & post it over this blog, insya ALLAH..
So I hope to plan something small during the Raya Haji or Christmas Holidays or at least the weekend in between those dates.
TruLy NoreeZ
Posted by
Mdm Noris
10:09 PM
I started working for since last Tuesday. Anyway its a 2 weeks temp job that I took thinking that its near home & at the same time since the 'rezeki' is there might as well just take it. However things are so 'indah khabar dari rupa'... So extremely dissapointed. I am requesting to end by next Friday instead.
Last Thursday, I receive a call for an impromptu interview. So I made my way to Kallang Way which is near to home. I arrive at the office at around 9am. I came with positive thought, dapat tak dapat tu cerita lain. Whatever it is, just try aje. So From the Recep, I fill up the form as usual. She directed me to a room which is beside the Security desk. Since I rush myself to the office, it was pretty panas di tambahkan lagi dgn the room yg so melemas kan sebab takde aircon. A chinese looking guy walk in to the room. He just said, nevermind just fill up the form. So he went out, then he came back in with another guy & sat infront of me. I have no bloody idea who they were since they never intro themselves. Then the other guy suddenly broke the silence, "nevermind you fill up later lah, I interview now, a quick one." So they are the interviewer ke?
He told me that the job require more than just Admin Officer task. I have to do invoices, liasing with vendor & stuff like that. He asked if I have Shipping experience. I said No, but I was doing Cargo Airfreight for almost 4years. He said its not the same.. I said ok..
Then he said, I have to follow the invoices sequences, he also mention that I have to be fast and all. So I said, means I have to be be independent with work & have initiative. He said, NO.. you have to follow, you cannot make changes to things.. Things & work has to stay the same.. No changes. I was already piss because it seems that All I said are all wrong. Furthermore the way he question things is as if I'm a 'tahanan' being question by the police. The Chinese looking guys seem to see my face expression that I was rolling my eyes.. seriousy I wanted to tell them that I do not wish to take up the job...
Finally they leave me alone in the room again & asked me to complete the form. I was already feeling hot, hot with anger.. In my heart said, "waste my time aje..." I step out of the room, leave the form to the Recep. The Chinese looking guy approached me, informing me that the HR will contact me if the application is approved. I finally asked him what is his name because we are not formally introduced. I was seriously pissed & I couldnt help but broke into tears sebab tak tahan marah.. My voice was breaking because I was very angry by then. I step out of the building & called the agency informing them I do not want to take the job. My morning is spoilted by that incident. Serik jap!
This is what happen when you dont enjoy working with people instead you love your job that you've created. So I cannot complaint because I work for the money only not passion not even a career. It came to a point that I dont mind a no brainer job like data entry, just typing & its 5 days work, off on weekend & at the end of the month you get your salary...
I enjoy times going to those event & show outside with the Boys. The time spend outside even though I have to take long walks to the printer shop or sending CD, I love that more than anything.. Oh well.. What can I lah right..
Imran - Hitam & Putih @ Esplanade is just next Wednesday 7th November 2007 at the Recital Studio. I think there are still tickets available, can check with Sistic outlet. I just Q 2 days back to purchase for Mak & Ayah. Anyway, Imran will be singing songs from the P.Ramlee era & many more oldies. Some songs from the Album too. Guest artist are Hyrul Anuar & Norfasarie. Come join the Pesta Raya @ Esplanade event.. I was just berangan to wear my Hitam & Putih blouse that Zana bought for me on my birthday... Should I??? Shall see lah..
The Boys had their Raya events since last week, Hong Kah North CC last Saturday & yesterday was at Sengkang - Compass Point Open Space. Mr Boss has his at other location so Raudz & me had to split, go on seperate ways to attend to those show.
Aiyah, bosan nya tmrw is Monday & I have to go back to that 'peti buruk' again. The thought of the toilet make me want to cry. There is no security for the Ladies Toilet... Anyway that building is so old eh. Its actually a Factory building lah.. Weak nya... Nak Nangis :(
TruLy NoreeZ
Posted by
Mdm Noris
2:51 PM
I was dress in kurung pahang on dark blue songket, guest has arrived.
I made a call, "Abang, you all dah kat mana??"
"Dah nak sampai ni, belok ni dah sampai rumah you ni."
"Ok I tunggu.."
Minutes later, he arrive with blue baju melayu with this rombongan.. I didnt really see him but i know its him.
Then I heard M.Naisr lagu raya in the back ground.
"... salam hari raya, bersinar akhirnya. Ini lah hari kita....."
That was my Radio alert ringing, Chendol!!!!!!
Eh apa hal nya aku mimpi nak bernikah dgn Rizal.. Why I know its him is because he's the only person I call Abang, expect for Abang Tahar & Abang Madi of course. That was why I'm dress in songket & whatever. The dark blue songket tu memang Mak bought for me from Terenganu years back cuma betul berkesempatan utk buat apa2 lagi. Eh, kelakar.. kelakar..
A few days ago, I plan to meet Zee at Jurong East MRT for an interview at JobDB. So I was at the MRT station earlier, waited for her. Just when she arrived, I saw someone familiar behind her...
"Eh Man 2By2??"
"Ah Man 2By2!!! Mana Kak Intan???"
"Cepat Zee..."
I approached him, asking him if he's Man. He was not sure who I am. But when I mention Raudha's name, he said.. "Oh!"
Make small talks then I left with Zee.. When I told Zee how we met & know this guy, Zee was laughing non stop... Anyway I got the job, will be having training today at 2pm at Jurong East again. I hope I dont have to meet Man again, malu aku.. haahah..
Its always the case when our meeting is not planned, its always the best hang out. I will always not enough if its not till mid night. I'm glad that I feel much better talking about it before the real meeting with the 'big people'. Now than I know clear what is bothering him, there were so many pointers on why that decision is made. However we'll see how things goes before any drastic changes & decision to be finalised. Hope for the best..
TruLy NoreeZ
Posted by
Mdm Noris
10:54 AM
Pictures first, story later... This is the 2nd Raya at our New Home.
24th October 2007, Wednesday.
Ok Friends, its time to fill in the TEXT.
Since we move to our new place last year and Tok is staying next to us, Raya has been different. We have decided to stay indoor instead. As usual, 1st & 2nd day of Raya priorities goes to the Elderly family members. So the Grandparents place has the most visitors.
Last year, the 3 anak dara has been busy in the kitchen & our time at mostly spend on 'bancur air'. So this year, Raudz suggested buying the Bottle drinks & just 'tuang aje kat cawan cawan glass tu & hidang.. Abis cerita. Since rumah ni yg ada hanya Raudz & me yg menyibuk kan..
Mak's New Curtains...
We were so exhausted on the 1st day of Raya as the guest was non stop! But I'm glad that I met most of the sepupu & dua pupu & kupu kupu!.. I'm not surprise if I met them outside, I will not know that we're related because we meet once a year aje.
So on the 2nd day, Raudz suggested for Tok to come over to our place so if serak pun nak kena kemas only 1 house. So we close Tok's place & guest are requested to come to our house instead.. Ada aje plan nya..
Cousin's corner..
The picture above were from 1st day Raya. My cousin's & aunties gather at our place because Tok's guest has fill up the whole hall way..
Back to my Home Office Corner.. I Love!
So I really love to be back to my 'office'. As you can see, TV on the left, Laptop on my bed.. Thats now 'manja' I am, so when I'm tired, will just lie on my bed.. shiok betul..
Last Sunday, we went to visit a few houses mainly old folks. We manage to visit Nan's place with Dier & Zaf last week. My 1st time meeting Mus after a long time. I told her that I'm Nuri's cousin & we've met year back at Dakota Campus, she cant recall. Dada's so big & cute, Dier has forgotten to snaf some pictures of Dada..
This weekend is back to work. Mr Boss & Boys will have their Raya show & invites all over the places. Till then..
TruLy NoreeZ
Posted by
Mdm Noris
4:48 PM
Posted by
Mdm Noris
4:44 PM
My first time having cold drink for breakfast, not like usual Tea Tarik or Kopi Susu.. And my first time trying out ANYTHING & WHATEVER for Buka too.. We were all busy tasting each other drink since we'll only know once we sip on them. They serve ketupat with sambal goreng & lodeh… "dah raya eh? Ketupat semua ada dah.." Eversince I claim craving for Mee Goreng melayu, my rezeki came with Cik Salmah Lopez made them last week & then at Taman Warisan they serve them as well.. Right after Buka, we were getting ready to head to TKC.. Things didn’t go as planned, so we had to head home. The crowd at Geylang, mak oi.. Mana datang orang ramai2 ni semua sehh. Zana tried calling me a few time but I didn’t hear them.. Its too noise what.. She & Fairul were shopping with the in-laws.. Came by to say Hi. Took the bus home, don’t dream about taking a cab from Geylang back home. That night, I had a terrible headache. Actually I was controlling them from Arab street.. I was sound asleep till the next early morning for Sahur..
Each time I listen to the Dikir Temasek Raya song, reminded me of my school mate. There were 2 person who had similar names since my Kindergarden & Sec School days - Herman. One is Herman Sulaiman - or we normally called him Ah Chong & the other is Herman Suradi.. I cant recall his nickname. I'm still in touch with Ah Chong, we're still neighbours. Herman Suradi use to stay in the same block as Tok, after which he move out. Then we lost touch… Back in Sec Sch, Hari Raya School concert will be the busiest time. He is activate with School Band, Band Boys Group as well as Dikir Barat. Infact Both Herman is in the Dikir Barat group. So each time the Dikir Temasek Song's on Air, I will always be reminded of Raya School Concert & of course my school mates.. Herman Suradi.. Mana kau eh?? Dah kahwin ke belum mamat ni..
CK sms to inform that they'll be moving out after mid November to East Coast area. Not too bad actually.. At least she'll still be here & the family will not be seperated.. Alhamdulliah..
Yesterday the Boys had photo shoot with BH, at Taman Warisan. We were there till almost 10pm, the security had to chase us out because they are closing. So catch their news with in this week probably..
Ok I'm counting days… But I don’t really have that ROD, laid back mood. Work still goes on, I have no complaint...
You know what, I feel like eating Donut again.. Malas pulak nak ke Town & Q for it. Hai ngantuk pulak mata aku ni, anyway its Break time now..
TruLy NoreeZ
Posted by
Mdm Noris
12:51 PM
Work has slow down, since I've given the new guy who's taking over the job task since this Tuesday. Now I'm just clearing whatever back dated form that was not done.
A few days ago someone approached me informing on the error I made on a particular application. She 'sergah' me as if I've been doing the same error many times. At least if you have told me nicely I would accept it & rectify the error accordingly. End up since I was so kancong by her approached, I then realize that I didn’t amend the mistake & clear the case. She was so annoyed with me & I think it made an impression that I'm such a 'selengeh'. Peduli lah.. Is not that I'm friend or close to her anyway..
I've been the FAN of the radio since I started this job. I listen to both malay stations, back & forth for a total of 11hours per day! Imagine that.. Now when lagu Raya is one, I'm even more exited waiting for those Fav song that you listen only 2x per year to be aired. Morning I will listen to RZ&Shai, then I swap to Abang's program at 10am.. Then I just go back & forth between the two station, in the search on who has aired Mr Boss Tidak Lama Lagi Raya Song.. Hehehe.. Show listen to it!
Right now AZ new album is the talk of the town.. From the pricing difference to the selection of song to macam macam lagi lah.. Honestly, when I first heard Lelaki Ini, I thought.. Tak macam his usual balada song. Only after listening to it 4-5 times then I've manage to absorb the aura of the song. That’s what the 'kelainan' that he's looking for I assume. I've yet to listen to Teman Terulung AZ version, have listen to him singing live to us like 2 years ago.. Have heard Azalea/Naz version some time back too, but have yet to hear it placed on air by AZ.. Actually kan, HAVE YET to buy the CD eh!! So much of being the FAN, CD pun belum beli.. Apa saja. Should buy 1 for Andak too.
You know what?? I'm multi tasking between updating my blog & at the same time doing my application entries at work. I always Like to do that. I remember being called for 1to1 session for doing personal email & answering call. Ahahaha… peduli apa aku. Because why, I do not want to miss the entries & ideas, stories that I want to blog about. Or else the momentum dies down & I forget what I want to blog about. So I multi task.. hahaha
Spoke with CK last week, a Penantian tu satu penyeksaan. Now then I understand what is going thru her mind.. Jadi pindah ke, tak jadi? Nak move out ke, tidak lagi. Nak kemas ke belum lagi? Nak berangkat ke KL ke, masih nak stay kat Spore lagi?? Confuse giler!!! Ibarat gantung tak bertali..
I hope I can kemas my room this week… And I hope I can start puasa back tomorrow!!!
TruLy NoreeZ
Posted by
Mdm Noris
11:58 AM
As promise, here are the pictures from the last breakfast Outing with the Tekka & Geylang Gangs.
The Surprise birthday cake from Ernie & Teeba for the August & September Belated Birthday celebration. As practise for more than 5 years, it seems that a must to Celebrate our birthday even though we are already away from them.. Thanks Ernie & Teeba!!!!
Posted by
Mdm Noris
8:45 PM
There is something about the Month that make you feel touch, sad emotional everytime. Or is it because of the Raya songs, especially songs like Pulanglah from Aishah, Bersabarlah Sayang from Anuar Zain or maybe Sepasang Kurung Biru from Khairil Johari Johar??? At this point of time, it makes you think & recap on the past. Think of the people from the past that brings back memories in your life or people who is not here anymore to celebrate Ramadhan & Syawal with us.. I get emotional very very easily this days. Probably the time of the month of something..
Ok I bought a new phone.. N6288. I still fail to load & send email via MMS so that I can post some pictures here..
Jojo & Fidz came to break fast at home with all of us...
Truly NoreeZ
Posted by
Mdm Noris
1:24 PM
I've just installed a ShoutBox, So.. singgah2 lah...
Had an impromptu Buka Gathering with SH ex-team mates. So much story to tell, so little time. But at least this time almost all the Tekka + Geylang Team manage to get together for a decent meal. I hope Lea could email me some of the pictures we took so I have it posted here.
Posted by
Mdm Noris
9:48 PM
I sprained my ankle.. This time its on my left. Sakit nya!!!!
Sucks, its swollen now. Quick thinking, I went to the nearest Pharmacy bought an ankle guard + some menthol cream.
I was telling myself, "jangan kejar, walaupun the green main blinks then don’t cross instead…" so I was just walking on normal pace. Unfortunately, there was a buddle of water & the slope at the traffic light. So malu I scream "Mak!" so loudly.. Malu punya pasal, I continue my walk as if nothing happened but I was limping already. By the time I reach office back again, its already swollen..
Posted by
Mdm Noris
1:31 PM
I just heard a lagu raya at Warna, isn’t it too soon to have it aired? We’re only on the 10th day kan?
Anyway, I suddenly crave for mee goreng. Not mamak mee goreng, but the melayu mee goreng… And at the same time thinking about KFC… Ya Ampun, ni lah bulan puasa, buruk betul perangai.
I’m glad that 60% of the work load & burden has been shared with the rest. So I only have 1 pile left to key in to the system. At least at can come to work on Monday with less worries. After having to tender my resignation, nobody even ask why or offer me to stay or whatever. I thought that’s what Manager’s & Supervisor do right? No one even bothered. The thing is me being ego, I do not want them to think that I leave because of the work load. The issue is now the Manager Sucks big time seh. I was telling the rest that I was just taking an easy way out by leaving, however the problem will not be solve when the next person came. Anyway, I’m the 3rd person doing the job after less than 1 year. Then don’t you think you need to check what could be the problem here that people leave easily??? Like I said, no one bothers.
I emailed CK the website for Apartment rental, unfortunately I heard a sad news coming to me from her reply.
Hari ni macam hari malas sedunia.. Apart from the Iftar today at Art House Ear Shot, before that.. I thought.. I should memalas kan diri sebentar heehehe…
TruLy NoreeZ
Posted by
Mdm Noris
1:01 PM
Yesterday was our First Ramadhan Show with Mr Boss. Even though we’ve been friends cum family for so long but I’ve never had any buka puasa with him actually. I remembered last year, while I headed back home from Bugis saw Mr Boss & the group of BS crew/artist (at which I don’t know them back then) back from berbuka as well. That was my first time seeing him loose some weight. Even took a snap of his photo insisting to show Raudz.. heeheh..
We were all over yesterday, from Causeway point to Taman Warisan. So many familiar faces at the Causeway point Bazaar. Tak terkutip nak tegur sapa. Azlynah the webmaster was there to drop by as well.
After performance around 4.30pm we left to Taman Warisan. We’re early actually lucky thing they put us at the enclose air con spot. Tak lah lemau sangat actually. I get to visit Iza’s stall just outside the Warisan main entrance. I had to order the Popiah Basah instead because the ingredients run out. Sedap jugak Popiah Iza’, she was really fast in wrapping the Popiah.. pantas. For bebuka we were serve with Nasi Beriyani from Masjid Sultan. I guess they crew cook it themselves, really sedap.. Imagine we eat them on a Big Dulang enough for 4 people, so selera..
We continued the bebuka feeling at Kampung Glam café as usual I don’t get enough of the Tea Tarik. Hyrul, Alex & Sani came to join as for chit chat later on. They were there as well at Taman Warisan event. But they had to leave for bebuka elsewhere..
Haiya… tomorrow is Monday!! Its ok, I just had to count days before the sengsara at work ends. Guess what, the Supervisor request me to Print out the 9th July form because there are some form not done since that was my First day of Work tau. Cekik darah. Then I heard that Afida had to cover my job once I leave the place. I thought they will do something like hire more people to handle my tasking job, instead they had to tolak balak to the current staff to do it. Melampau…
TruLy NoreeZ
Posted by
Mdm Noris
2:35 PM
I have a LOOoooong overdue posting. Its been a bitter, sweet, awesome, angry, sad, confused weeks & months & many more…
Platform 7 event finals was wonderful. Even though Mr Boss was not around for ‘the hip hop raya!’ we have managed to get together with all the BS crew to make it possible. We started the day every early, we all dress in Black.. strictly Black. Concern that we’ll go hungry for the rest of the day, I prepared Tuna & bread. Unfortunately we’re all TOO BUSY to eat. Zee & Wan came with a big tray of Mee Hoon Goreng mamak. At least ‘business’ was good, finishes almost the whole tray heehehe..
This was our 1st Platform even though its already the 7th event. The experience was so different from our past event like Santai for an example. Its like SpeakEasy but of a much bigger scale. Our very own BS artist who went thru the past Platform event like Krazie Starr, Akeem, Sleeq and many more perform for the event in between performances by P7 finalist. We had the Cute guys from Dose Two & also Rebell Scum both from Malaysia to perform. Altimet did the opening as well. Roslan & Nuwarra are our guest performer too. Hyrul came to watch the show. The VIP section was my ‘jaga’ point.
Finally the Top 5 was announced but I was not there to witness because had to take care of the Admission segregation with Nadrah. We get to take group photo but unfortunately without Mr Boss.. Superimposed & insert gambar dia aje lah sudah.. hehehe..
We were all soooo hungry giler at the end of the day. All of us headed to Lau Pa Sat for late dinner. My stomach must have been really ‘terkejut’ after that heavy dinner I felt like throwing up. Sakit perut amat, sampai ke ulu hati. Gosh, bepeluh peluh kejap.. Luck thing I have my minyak cap kapak with he where ever I go.. heeheh.. The day ended with such a wonderful feeling.
Sunday was spend at home. Andak family with Safiah & Abg Madi came to visit Tok before Ramadhan came. While everyone was busy chatting, Tok came over to join in. Suddenly his vision went blur, he pass out for a few seconds… I was just in front of him but I didn’t grab him on time. He fell & everyone went panic. My knees shake like nobody’s business. I was feeling slight angry with myself because I felt that I was very slow in reaction.. Tok injured his hand, Fidz was around that night to nurse his hand.
That night, I could sleep because the vision of Tok blackout & my slow action bothers me a lot. I woke up every 2 hours & it kept flashing the part when he fell.. Just after subuh, I heard mak in the toilet vomiting pretty badly. I decided not to go to work instead, since Mak is down & my head was spinning so I decided to take MC. I know very well work was pilling (buat ngok suah..) but I’ve made up my mind. There are something else that was bothering me at work actually. Mak throw up 4 more times after that. She got some virus attack however she wasn’t having any fever, headache or stomach ache.
Our plan to spend the almost the whole day together pays off indeed. Wan had already plan with Raudz to surprise Zee for her advance birthday. Raudz & me went to buy the cake + the Sunflower that Zee likes a lot. Meet Mr Boss, Salim, Ainon, H.Kecik, Nadrah + baby Sofea at Popeyes Airport at 2pm. Since its weekday so the place was not crowded. We set up the table before Zee & Wan came. Siap cover punya cover cake it dgn Media Magz.. Boleh tahan jugak.. pandai idea Salim. Zee came with a cheerful look not expecting a cake on the table.. Then we Surprise her.. she really look shocked.. hehehe.. cute Zee. After makan, we lepak one side at the viewing hall to discuss on post P7 event. Plan on bit & pieces on what to expect for next P8 and upcoming plan to make money grow.. Sofea is so well behave, just tagged along with all the aunties & uncles without making much fuss… We left airport toward the evening. Headed to Kampong Glam for tea tarik but the rest still in the mood to eat! Selera besar amat.. Later on, we went to Mosi to spend some more time together, plan a game or two of Taboo.. Cool game anyway. Mosi had to close for the day, we all walk down to Library open space to continue on whatever we left. We totally spend 10 hours together in whole & it was seriously enjoyable.
I’ve finally made up my mind, handed in my Resignation letter just a few days ago. Surprisingly to find out ZhiShu gave there letter on the day I went on MC. We didn’t plan to hand it together, we discuss about it but didn’t actually tell each other when. Anyway I cant stand Managers who think that we have to look up to them for the designation they hold. So if you’re the Manager, act as one please. I was angry to find out that she know nuts about her work I guess, her table is so CLEAN without papers all over or something. It’s as Clean as if the aunty cleaner just wipe the dust only, no tidy up is needed. Rabak! Anyway the work is ok, the load is what I can take it anymore. Actually the pressure starts only when I was inform to hit the target of 70 entries per day. I’m only 2 months there and I still getting use to management time. So how now?? Aku ambik jalan mudah.. so Belah lah apa lagi.. My last day will be on petang raya itself. I’m gonna take a week holiday break & then I will start looking for a new Part Time job I hope. Anyway if I have to survive on my own, I do not have to work. Its all because of the loan that I have to spend at least $750 per month to pay in the next few years.
Puasa has been ok this few days and Today’s the 3rd day. My eyes are so use to get up early, even though I set alarm at 9.45am to get up I was fully awake up 9am. Trying to pay back some sleep actually.. hehehe.. it didn’t work.
Mr Boss will be at Causeway Point today afternoon & Taman Warisan at the late afternoon with Iftar… Receive a delivery package from Nya', its a cloth material for Baju Raya. Unfortunately Aunty She's not taking anymore tailoring now. Of course I'm already so lambat. Anyway, I will get it done for Dier & Zaf wedding aje lah.. Thanks Nya' for the Lavender Lace.. so Pretty..
TruLy NoreeZ
Posted by
Mdm Noris
12:43 PM
Posted by
Mdm Noris
9:57 PM
Of all people, I've always feel very bad if I turn down or not able to give a helping hand to 1 particular person.
I feel I can do better or do something about it.
Seriously, I'm in a very bad situation myself…
Posted by
Mdm Noris
8:42 AM
Yesterday marks the 3rd Anniversary of BS. It was really something that we’ve look forward too. It went well… All the best to BS, more good years to SpeakEasy & Mr Big Boss..
I dont wish to get emotional over things that didn't affect me directly. But I cant help being unhappy over issues & things that make me feel 'sakit mata memandang'. I shall not say much, its over & done with. Just need to look forwards rather than pondering over things that make you angry...
Last week was a Long weekend… It started with Friday night Fireworks. Mr Boss singing at Esplanade 3 days in a row, that night + Saturday with Dina MI. Meet Ani for our suppose coffee we end up stuck at Esplanade to Marina Square to Suntec sending 1 hour trying to get out from the place. Left at 21.50hrs from Marina Bay – Esplanade with the Performance + Fireworks was. Crowded, packed with human & it was madness. As usual the Mobile calls just fail us since the Network get heavy with everybody jammed at 1 place. We ended our day, feeling HUNGRY.. end up getting gastric.
The Whole of Saturday was filled up with lots of traveling. Morning, off to Tebrau for NTV7 show. I was extremely surprise to see Nazrul – Kaki Cucuk Langit blogger friend of mine. I was excited actually, “Eh buat apa kat sini?” I seriously didn’t know that he’s with the TV station actually. We didn’t get to talk so much but we don’t have to explain too much on who we were even though, we’ve NEVER met each other apart from this Cyber world of ours… Glad to have made that trip when I actually thought I don’t have to go lah since it was just for a few hours. By 5pm we’re back in Spore, off to Esplanade for another round of show & another round of Fireworks this time from France. That night Raudz & me left for Andak’s place at CCK. Dier cooking dinner with steak, western food lah. Arrive at CCK at midnight, at least the ladies are not a sleep yet except for the kids. Spend the WHOLE morning chatting till subuh. I was already feeling groggy.. got up to solat, and then get some sleep till 9.30am.. The sleep was not enough. I decided to take a short nap at noon, got up just in time to go out. Oh I almost forget, I just turn 34yrs old that morning.. haaahaha… Thanks for the thoughts to all those who send birthday wishes.. Didn’t have any celebration, and that’s how I want it to be… peace & quiet birthday. Woman just doesn’t want to be reminded many times when they reach 30+ & older especially when they are still single tau. Yaya, in the US called Safiah on Sunday afternoon, after listening to the whole bulk of stories that I've never believe it could happen just a few hours before she called. I cant help but being emotional as soon as I listen to her voice. My voice was breaking, mak kau... never expect it coming. But I really nice to hear from her, at least she's happy.
Thanks to Kak Liza for the customized pearl bracelet, necklace & the unexpected suppose-to-pinjam-end-up-kasi cream blouse. Zana for the beautiful blouse, Ani for the brooch.
Move to the Groove was a 2hrs special by Mr Boss. It was drizzling, was praying that the rain stop or the show will have to be cancelled… Fortunately the rain stop just a few minutes before performance, the chairs were all wet had to get help from uncle cleaner to wipe them before everyone agrees to just down to watch. Personally love Mr Boss sings Perpisahan & Izin ku Pergi, best giler.. Meet the boys who did back up singing, Riff, Shah & Aimran.. The were good alright. Later that late evening, went for supper, with Kevin from KL too who came to Spore just to watch the show. Back late again… Expected, I took 1 day Leave on Monday just to be prepared with late nights.
On Tuesday back to work with tones of unfinished data to enter. Surprisingly my partner was on 2 days MC seh, chendol. Till today, my loads are still pilling!!! Mampus… Been staying for OT for at least an hour a day. Still, my work’s not finished eh.
Today’s the day off. We left to attend an old schoolmate of Raudz wedding. Mak reminded on the time when she brought Fidz & Raudz to primary school, together with Raihan when she was babysitting her. Then a few neighbors’ kids, happens to be Raudz classmates came along, going to school together. Looking at them today, I was a surprise on how much they have grown. Dah Bapak & Mak orang lagi.. Then I met Rizal their cousins, as blur as I can be. I totally forgot that I went for Kursus RumahTangga with him 5 years back! He intro me to his wife, so www.selengeh.com of me.. Ishh.. She was my group member when we had that kursus. She remembered me very well, she practically remembered my full name eh. Not many people know how to pronounce it correctly. She remembered Nya’ because we were in the same discussion group. I told her Nya’s in KL with 2 kids. She asked me when was my wedding?? For sure, we went to the same kursus with a purpose.. That to get married. I don’t blame her for asking that question kan. She was shocked to her my stories. Then we said our goodbyes & I passed her my namecard. Later on, only after 20mins I recall who she was. Of course she’s Jamaliah @ Lia Osman, she & Rizal – her husband is colleagues working at the same place that’s how they met. They we get in touch via email very often. They share our stories & all, until I actually stop interaction with people especially people from the kursus when the Wedding didn’t pull through because I was pressured with question on, “Jangan lupa jemput?” ishh… leceh ah.
I really hope Lia email or sms me at least. Then we can catch up on things… How could I forget her eh? My head & mind must be really occupied with things, or rather I’ve put away all those sorrows until I totally shut away from people associated with Him, Weddings & 2003… selenge seh aku.
Anyway, tomorrow is another day… Count down, 6 days to the next weekend. Another event to look forward to.. Its Platform 7, 8th September at Double O..
TruLy NoreeZ
Posted by
Mdm Noris
8:10 PM