Thursday, August 30, 2007
Posted by
Mdm Noris
9:57 PM
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Of all people, I've always feel very bad if I turn down or not able to give a helping hand to 1 particular person.
I feel I can do better or do something about it.
Seriously, I'm in a very bad situation myself…
Posted by
Mdm Noris
8:42 AM
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Yesterday marks the 3rd Anniversary of BS. It was really something that we’ve look forward too. It went well… All the best to BS, more good years to SpeakEasy & Mr Big Boss..
I dont wish to get emotional over things that didn't affect me directly. But I cant help being unhappy over issues & things that make me feel 'sakit mata memandang'. I shall not say much, its over & done with. Just need to look forwards rather than pondering over things that make you angry...
Last week was a Long weekend… It started with Friday night Fireworks. Mr Boss singing at Esplanade 3 days in a row, that night + Saturday with Dina MI. Meet Ani for our suppose coffee we end up stuck at Esplanade to Marina Square to Suntec sending 1 hour trying to get out from the place. Left at 21.50hrs from Marina Bay – Esplanade with the Performance + Fireworks was. Crowded, packed with human & it was madness. As usual the Mobile calls just fail us since the Network get heavy with everybody jammed at 1 place. We ended our day, feeling HUNGRY.. end up getting gastric.
The Whole of Saturday was filled up with lots of traveling. Morning, off to Tebrau for NTV7 show. I was extremely surprise to see Nazrul – Kaki Cucuk Langit blogger friend of mine. I was excited actually, “Eh buat apa kat sini?” I seriously didn’t know that he’s with the TV station actually. We didn’t get to talk so much but we don’t have to explain too much on who we were even though, we’ve NEVER met each other apart from this Cyber world of ours… Glad to have made that trip when I actually thought I don’t have to go lah since it was just for a few hours. By 5pm we’re back in Spore, off to Esplanade for another round of show & another round of Fireworks this time from France. That night Raudz & me left for Andak’s place at CCK. Dier cooking dinner with steak, western food lah. Arrive at CCK at midnight, at least the ladies are not a sleep yet except for the kids. Spend the WHOLE morning chatting till subuh. I was already feeling groggy.. got up to solat, and then get some sleep till 9.30am.. The sleep was not enough. I decided to take a short nap at noon, got up just in time to go out. Oh I almost forget, I just turn 34yrs old that morning.. haaahaha… Thanks for the thoughts to all those who send birthday wishes.. Didn’t have any celebration, and that’s how I want it to be… peace & quiet birthday. Woman just doesn’t want to be reminded many times when they reach 30+ & older especially when they are still single tau. Yaya, in the US called Safiah on Sunday afternoon, after listening to the whole bulk of stories that I've never believe it could happen just a few hours before she called. I cant help but being emotional as soon as I listen to her voice. My voice was breaking, mak kau... never expect it coming. But I really nice to hear from her, at least she's happy.
Thanks to Kak Liza for the customized pearl bracelet, necklace & the unexpected suppose-to-pinjam-end-up-kasi cream blouse. Zana for the beautiful blouse, Ani for the brooch.
Move to the Groove was a 2hrs special by Mr Boss. It was drizzling, was praying that the rain stop or the show will have to be cancelled… Fortunately the rain stop just a few minutes before performance, the chairs were all wet had to get help from uncle cleaner to wipe them before everyone agrees to just down to watch. Personally love Mr Boss sings Perpisahan & Izin ku Pergi, best giler.. Meet the boys who did back up singing, Riff, Shah & Aimran.. The were good alright. Later that late evening, went for supper, with Kevin from KL too who came to Spore just to watch the show. Back late again… Expected, I took 1 day Leave on Monday just to be prepared with late nights.
On Tuesday back to work with tones of unfinished data to enter. Surprisingly my partner was on 2 days MC seh, chendol. Till today, my loads are still pilling!!! Mampus… Been staying for OT for at least an hour a day. Still, my work’s not finished eh.
Today’s the day off. We left to attend an old schoolmate of Raudz wedding. Mak reminded on the time when she brought Fidz & Raudz to primary school, together with Raihan when she was babysitting her. Then a few neighbors’ kids, happens to be Raudz classmates came along, going to school together. Looking at them today, I was a surprise on how much they have grown. Dah Bapak & Mak orang lagi.. Then I met Rizal their cousins, as blur as I can be. I totally forgot that I went for Kursus RumahTangga with him 5 years back! He intro me to his wife, so of me.. Ishh.. She was my group member when we had that kursus. She remembered me very well, she practically remembered my full name eh. Not many people know how to pronounce it correctly. She remembered Nya’ because we were in the same discussion group. I told her Nya’s in KL with 2 kids. She asked me when was my wedding?? For sure, we went to the same kursus with a purpose.. That to get married. I don’t blame her for asking that question kan. She was shocked to her my stories. Then we said our goodbyes & I passed her my namecard. Later on, only after 20mins I recall who she was. Of course she’s Jamaliah @ Lia Osman, she & Rizal – her husband is colleagues working at the same place that’s how they met. They we get in touch via email very often. They share our stories & all, until I actually stop interaction with people especially people from the kursus when the Wedding didn’t pull through because I was pressured with question on, “Jangan lupa jemput?” ishh… leceh ah.
I really hope Lia email or sms me at least. Then we can catch up on things… How could I forget her eh? My head & mind must be really occupied with things, or rather I’ve put away all those sorrows until I totally shut away from people associated with Him, Weddings & 2003… selenge seh aku.
Anyway, tomorrow is another day… Count down, 6 days to the next weekend. Another event to look forward to.. Its Platform 7, 8th September at Double O..
TruLy NoreeZ
Posted by
Mdm Noris
8:10 PM
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Glad today's Thursday…
The work is pilling, just because I took a day off on Monday. Does that mean that I cant talk Leave? Then senang aje, MC suah lah.. Abis cerita lor.
Didn’t have enough time to blog, will do more soon.
Thanks a MILLION for everyone who sms me on Sunday… Thanks for remembering.
Posted by
Mdm Noris
8:51 AM
Monday, August 20, 2007
Thursday, August 16, 2007
My morning yesterday was greeted by Elle sms asking for my email address. After which we exchange email a few times.. Well she's coming to Spore for the weekend, hope to see her when she's here.
Elle "ko ada ctc farish?ex-bf ko keje dgn dia skang ni..kan."
Me "farish keje mana sekarang? kau masih contact dia? rizal keje dgn farish?? betul ke??? i would love to hear where rizal is now.."
Including Elle, Farish & ex are all my (& Nya') colleques from JAL KL. That was more than 10 years.
That night, I sms Farish & he call me back. Had an awesome conversation with Farish, surprise to find out Farishah is already 10 years old. Whatever it is I've asked him to send my salam to ex. I'm very sure he'll get a shocked of his life!
I had coffee with Zana & Phyllis yesterday evening. Phyllis is getting married on 19th September, I told her we’ll be fasting till then. All of us look much better after we left our previous office. Eventhough we know that the Pay is not as wonderful as it use to be, however life has been Wonderful since we left.. Hehehee...
Posted by
Mdm Noris
1:17 PM
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Weekend has been great, but it was pure coincidence.. Things happens for a reason anyway.
Raudz & myself meet up with Andak & family, Abg Madi & Family as well as Dier & Zaf on National Day. We’ve made plans since last month on meeting to watch Fireworks together.
A day earlier was my cousin’s Liyana birthday, so her request was to come over to visit Tok & Nenek instead of celebrating it alone with her family. Earlier in the morning I’ve receive an sms from Kak Liza & Andak informing of them coming. So I thought I should not say for OT… or I will miss meeting them. Abang Madi & Safiah came along as well right after work. As usual the Nabilah, Stefi & Sofie just love to meet up & play together. They stay till late & so we plan to meet again the next day.
If I’m still working in SH, I’m very sure that I’ll have to work on N’Day… Anyway, I spend ½ day watching TV.. In the afternoon, I went around Bugis trying to look for a blouse for myself. I end up at Golden Landmark, got myself a blouse for $20… Late afternoon, Kak Liza sms to meet up at Raffles Place. Safiah mention about buying foodstuff for our Fireworks ‘picnic’. Brought along mats, made hot coffee to go along… And off we go. Minutes before that, Fidz came with Jojo. They might have plans later I thought. Cause its Jojo’s birthday on N’Day..
I’m so surprise to see the crowd at Raffles Place from the MRT to all the roads. I was expecting a Big coward at CT Hall areas as well as Esplanade. Didn’t know that Raffles place is another location for Fireworks viewing. The rest came earlier, ‘cop’ placing at the big padang near lau pa sat. All dress in RED, waving at us when we’re trying to look for them.. Gosh the crowd, mak oi.. macam picnic. We got out spot, lay the mat & enjoy the view of ‘si-pi, si-pi’ from Marina Bay. Despite the gatal2 of the nyamuk, lalat & langau, apart from all that the rest is all GOOD…
The fireworks view was wonderful, no wonder the attention was at Raffles Place areas. Its was seriously beautiful. However if you do not have any vehicle to come over the so call padang space, you’ll probably find it difficult to get out of the place. Luckily Andak & family got their ride on Abg Madi’s 7-seater, whereas we got our from our Favourite cousin Dier & Zaf.. hahaah..
Had our late dinner at Bukit Timah makan place, makan Garlic Nan.. sedap giler..
Friday was a working day, apasal lah tak bagi kita cuti lagi sehari eh.. lemau betul nak keje the next day.. The bus was empty, I’m just lucky that I’ve got my walkman radio with it otherwise its even more empty..
I arrive home around 8.30pm that night. Later that night, after a long conversation with Kak Liza she asked us to come over to Abg Madi’s place… Dier was coming Kallang area to fetch Andak, thought we should ‘ngecek’ tumpang him instead. They were all on leave still that Friday, no wonder they are all spend that day at Savanah. Perut lapar ni, roti & sardine pun jadi sedap bila perut lapar.. heeheh.. We watch TV, chatting the whole night. Till its almost mid-night, surprisingly not sleepy at all. Didn’t realise its already 3am!! Have quality time with Zaf since its been some time since we last met.
Mak called asking if we’re coming home.. heeheh.. “tak payah balik sudah lah, dah pukul berapa ni.. balik besok sudah.”
I use to play around with phrases like this during school day,
“mak aku kata jangan balik malam.. Balik pagi baik..”
Ah, this is the right time to use this phrase.. very appropriate.. haahaa..
All of us slept like sardine with 7 people in the room. Actually they have 3 bedrooms, 2 big halls.. but the ladies choose to be in 1 room all together. I got up really early, cant stand too cold in air-con room. We came unprepared, without pajamas, toothbrush. Luck enough that day I was wearing glasses, imagine if I have my lenses on, HOW???
We got ready for breakfast. Went out to Bedok to buy them, they decide on having breakfast cum picnic.. (again) at East Coast beach.. Never thought that it was going to be a good idea actually. Stayed till 1pm.. Zaf send us back because we had to leave urgently, had some unfinished work to be done… Glad it was Saturday, at least I still have Sunday to be lazy.. heeheh…
Later around 3pm, Nya’ called asking me to meet her down stairs for a while before she prepare to leave for KL. She had to pass me the blouse that I've kirim her to buy from KL. Nya’ was in S’pore for the N’Day holidays. Didn’t get to spend time with her. I have to understand that she will have to meet all the family members since she’s here for just a few days.
Nya’ sms me the nxt morning at around 8am informing that Syirah is in Hospital at Malacca. She was vomiting & Aqim poo all along during the journey back to KL.. They kids was not well when Nya’ didn’t have her maid with her this time round. As usual Nya’ get paranoid handling both the kids at that condition. If I’m in the situation, I’ll be just as panic as ever.. They had to stop at Malacca & admitted Syirah since she was very weak. Aqim get slightly better lucky thing, they have their home at Malacca to stay.
As per Nya’s sms today, Syirah is still in the hospital. And her office is making so much noise for extending her leave. She was really furious at that point telling me if they insisit on her coming back then she’ll probably just tender resignation intead.. How unreasonable can someone be eh!! Tak faham.
Be meeting Zana & Phyllis tomorrow evening. I’m not going to stay for OT again tomorrow.. My eye’s get very tired staring at the screen…
Anyway, 1st August was Mustaqim’s birthday.. Too occupied to blog a birthday wish for him. Then, Happy Birthday to my Cousin Liyana Rafid, Cousin Rose Aznita in Liverpool.. & Also to my bro-in-law Jojo..
Tomorrow is Feisal the Chendol’s birthday.. Happy Birthday my GoodFriend..
and so the list goes on..
16th – Cousin Hestee’s birthday..
18th – Zana Ary
19th – hhmmm….
20th – Hans Isaac
23rd – Meerra
24th – Monicca in Brisbane
25th – Grace Tata, Mawi..
28th – Cousin Nurasnidah
30th – Coreen
31st – Cousin Isham.
TruLy NoreeZ
Posted by
Mdm Noris
10:29 PM
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
I think it was a Wrong move. For Friendship sake, I sms a birthday wish to him. But I end receiving a reply remind me of our past… I said its history, don’t ever talk about it anymore. He said, how could he forget those sweet memories he had with me!!! Sabar aje lah. Its been 10 years, I'm not like what I am before.. I decided not to reply the message again. Go Figure!
It was a Biggest regret ever…
Ibarat di pulang kan paku buah keras.. I wish another person via sms. He said, I'm in the jungle, reservist, wet, tired, dirty.. I said, reminds me of you when we 1st meet. He didn’t reply me back.. Haahaha.. Means he do not wish to be reminded of Our past.. Hahaha.. Padan dgn muka aku.
I've sooo many guy friends, either the ex's or just friends or current friends who's birthday fall in August or they are fellow Leo's. So its either I cant forget their birthday or they remembered mine.. No wonder our relationship didn’t pull thru because both are stone headed.. Leo mah.
Tomorrow is a holiday.. How nice to wake up later than any other weekdays. Cant Wait!!!
Posted by
Mdm Noris
1:22 PM
Saturday, August 04, 2007
I had to stay for OT yesterday evening till almost 7pm. The work is piling & I’m getting worried. There’s this new promotion for corporate customer & it seems that more people are signing up for new mobile line, as always. I’m glad to have my new ‘bestfriend’ with me to keep me going. See picture..
I’ll be staying for more OT in the coming weekdays the most is 1.5hrs per day, NOT MORE THAN THAT I hope.. It’s the holidays soon, will be working for 4 days only next week..
Now is Aug, next month will be puasa already. Then comes Raya in October. For all you know it will be end of the year.. Eh Cepat nya??? I’m already thinking about taking leave, maybe I should take ½ day on 7th September it will be a busy weekend by then. And then, petang raya I should take leave also. Raya maybe on Saturday anyway..
Ok now.. I’m so glued over mandarin drama series now. I cant simply miss the Channel 8, 7pm Kinship drama. And at the same time the 9pm Army army new drama series. Furthermore my friendly neighbour Ix Shen’s playing. Its been some time since I last saw him on drama series. I use to get hooked to mandarin drama during school days. The show normally starts at 7pm as usual. I’ll get screaming from Mak or Ayah telling me its Maghrib time & why am I still watching the TV at those times. Anyway that’s where I learn my mandarin from. I’ve improve my mandarin greatly because of watching the drama series… I’m a freek..
I’ve been having this rashes but it will subside little later on.. A few days back, I bought lunch at the coffeeshop opposite the office. I didn’t bring any lunch that day. So I had nasi with black pepper chicken and veggie, and it cost me $3.50 for a decent meal. Mak ai so mahal. If I were to buy nasi sambal goreng with ayam at Radiah, Mak Esah’s stall it will probably cost $2.50. I would rather make my own tuna or sardine sandwich man.. $3.50 last me for 2 days at least. So anyway, after having that expensive lunch of mine an hour after that I realized that I develop those rashes again. Actually that was my 2nd time buying that same lauk & developing that itch.. eh rabak, the patches spreading like nobody business.. Could it be the chicken that causes it?
The next day, Ayah brought back home nasi ayam. I decided to ‘test’ it and get myself prepared if the rash developed. True enough, after about an hour or two the patches starts to come out. So I’m going to miss eating chicken for NOW, I hope its not forever eh.. Bye bye chicken..
This is the only weekend that I’m free… Weekend is alll toooo myself… shiok!!!!! Too bad that the massage today had to be cancel because I was on waiting list. Maybe I should come during the weekdays since The Adelphi is SOoooo minutes away from the office.
Ok it’s the National Day holidays next week. I remembered just last year the Sheila Majid’s Concert over at the Esplanade where we Hestee, Raudz & me met up with CK & Naz get to watch the Fireworks… That was wonderful isn't it? I'll stay indoor this National Day holiday probably, unless I got my pay cheq by then.. then its a different story lah...
Posted by
Mdm Noris
7:33 PM
Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Imran Ajmain will be doing R&B/Hiphop covers, backed by DJ Altimet (KL) and his non-stop buffet of guest performers from the local Hiphop community.It will be 90 minutes long with a half hour intermission.
26 year old Imran recently bagged Best New Regional Male Artiste and Best Singapore Artiste at the Anugerah Planet Muzik 2007 Award. Dina (Malaysian Idol) and Jessea Thyidor (Singapore Idol) appears in this "Move To The Groove" weekend starting Friday 17th August, Imran Ajmain closes the performances for this Esplanade Presents event.
Date : 19th August 2007, Sunday
Time : 7.30pm sharp (90 minutes with intermission)
Venue : Stage@PowerHouse, Esplanade Theatres On The Bay
FEE : Free Admission. Free Standing.
For more information, visit the following sites.
Contact point :
TruLy NoreeZ
Posted by
Mdm Noris
8:07 PM